Cleaning up

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Stepping in through the door Law lead Isla into his living room. Isla put her duffle bag next to the sofa, Law then took her into the bathroom to get her cleaned up. Taking his medical kit out of the cabinet above the sink he set to work getting his stuff ready.

"You can take a seat on that stool over there" Law murmured while his head was stuck in his bag, pointing to where the stool was put. Isla took a seat on the stool, tapping her hands on her legs whilst waiting for the doctor to ready himself.

A few minutes passed and Law was ready he washed his hands with hot water and soap, after rising them he dried them off on a hand towel and pulled on his clear latex gloves. Staring at Isla he raised an eyebrow and hummed to himself.

"Where to start" he mumbled.

"Okay, right I want to take a look at that lump on the back of your head first, can you turn to face the other way for me" Law said holding up his hand and making a turning gesture.

"Of course" Isla nodded and turned to face the wall.

Law bough his stuff over and placed it on the counter next to him. He bought his hands up to inspect the lump on her head, shifting her matted hair out of the way he grimaced as he realised the lump was actually a nasty gash, the 'lump' was actually just congealed blood and matted hair.

"Okay it looks like I am going to have to cut some of your hair" he whispered.

"Okay do what you have to" Isla responded.

Grabbing his scissors he parted the hair he could save until he came to the 'lump', he cut around it and as he pulled it away from her head he grimaced again. Popping it onto the sterile counter, he turned back to look at her head. Picking up the gauze and saline he proceeded to bathe the gash gently to clear it of any debris. However when this was done he inspected it further, it would need stitching and he had no way to numb the area. Finding his needle, he place the end of the suture through and tied a knot.

"I'm going to have to stitch this back together and I don't have anything to numb the pain. Just please let me know when you are ready" Law sighed heavily. Isla took a moment to gather herself together.

"Okay I'm ready" she whispered and closed her eyes, she took a deep breath ready to brace herself. There was a crucifying pain to begin with but it started to dull towards the end of the stitching. Law was being as gentle as he could be but at the same time he needed to make sure that everything was accurate enough that the wound wouldn't re-open. Once he had finished he took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. He had done a good job, he was pleased with his work, and Isla didn't make too much noise, that was a good sign.

"Okay I've finished the stitching, would you like me to trim away all of the frayed ends of hair?" He said making Isla jump a little.

"Yes please" she murmured against the hand she was biting. Bringing the scissors up to her hair again he cut away all the flame damaged ends, thankfully he wasn't taking a large chunk of her hair off otherwise she would probably kill him. Brushing the ends off of her back, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her round. She looked at him with a confused face.

"I need to take a look at the rest of you" he chuckled lightly at her confusion.

"Ohh okay" she said blushing and averting her gaze. He knelt down on his knees so he was now face to face with her.

"I need you to look up for me okay" he spoke softly. Isla did as he said, she kept her face straight but raised her eyes to look at the ceiling. He then grabbed his little flashlight off the counter.

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