Doll house

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I pull my mini outside of Sef's house and watch as she reluctantly gets in the car. She's wearing a medium long blue dress with cinderella like sleeves hanging off her shoulders, her hair done in its usual side braid.

"You owe me big time!" Sef pouts "mmmm will a Edward Elric body pill make everything better?" I smirk as I watch her lips twitch whilst I pull out from her house and begin the journey to the country club.

"yes that would make things better." Sef sniffs trying not to laugh.

I look out to the road ahead an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach "Sef do you feel...uneasy about tonight?" I ask with a serious tone and the silence in the car hangs like a corpse from a tree. I hear her shift from beside me "Yes, it almost feels unnatural... Do you know what I mean?" Sef asks and we both look at eachother "Yep like something bads going to happen and we're heading right for it." I sigh thinking it might only be my paranoia but seeing Sef felt the same way there might be more to it then what we first thought...

We finally arrive. We had to drive through a forest to get to the club which was very ominous and unsettling even though usually I would love forests but this one had something that wasn't quite pure about it like it's hiding dark secrets...

I park the car then get out along with Sef, we both give each other a reassuring smile even though we both know it is fake.

We walk into a nicely lit reception area with two grand doors either side of it.

"No doubt mahogany." I joke and Sef laughs as we enter the one that is open and looks like our party is in.

Sef and I wait at the door looking into the party which seems elegant but crazy at the same time, "Nothing bad will happen." I scoff with a wave of the hand as I try to lighten the situation.

I grab her and we enter finding a corner to stand in a the music thunders through the speakers, we start to chat and have punch and so on getting settled in as the night seems to be actually fine we start to enjoy ourselves "Hey Guys!" someone calls and I turn to see its Tazmin who is wearing a short purple dress which is way too short.

"Hi Tazmin how's you night been?" I ask "Great! Sef, what do you think of my outfit?" Tazmin asks as she twirls "well it look nice." Sef smiles I can tell she's trying not to cringe suddenly the music stops and all the surrounding dim light cut out leaving the hall in darkness.

"Oh no.." I breath as a loud shouts and murmurs fill the room, then slowly a music begins to play. One which I and most likely half the room recognise.

"hey girl open ya walls play with ya dolls, we'll be a perfect family when you go away it's when we really play. You don't hear me when I say... Mom please wake up dad's with a slot and your son is smoking cannabis. No one every listens this wall paper glistens don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen... Places, places, get in your places. Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces. Everyone thinks that we're perfect please don't let them look through the curtains.

Picture, picture smile for the picture. Pose with your brother won't you be a good sister. Everyone thinks that we're prefect please don't let them look through the curtains.

d-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see things no body else sees.

d-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see things no body else sees..." the music dies down but I could tell the person who was singing wasn't the artist in the actual song so who are they and what do they want?

Death trap.

The silence is short lived as an intercom turns on making a screeching sound "Helloooo! I am your capture for tonight.... I am right to think you where going to have a amazing party well this one will be one none of you ever forget... If you live through it that is heheheheeh." she laughs manically over the intercom "But don't worry if you play the game you'll live, you just need to follow the instructions and everything will be fine." She hums lightly with a anime pitch type of voice.

The room begins to roar in anger and fear "Calm down, I know your probably thinking why me? But really let's all just play the game... Let's get creative have a nice night! Muahhahha." She laughs manically as the intercom cuts out.

The lights come on but they are tainted red, I look up only to see the most horrific thing I have ever seen.

It was one of the teachers their body is ripped apart, his limbs carefully hung over the lights, his mussel like strings as if he were a broken puppet his body almost looks as if it where a piece of art on display for all to see, I can't denie I have a morbid fascination with the scene but luckily it doesn't seem to affect me.

I look around and see the panicked faces of my fellow school mates, some of the girls are in the arms of there partners as they have fainted, others just stood there stock still. One poor person seemed to have thrown up.

I look to Sef to see she is shocked "Sef we have to leave, this is a game that we have to play! We have to find out what it is and we have to be careful." I urge as I pull her away from the scene.

"Nobody move this is all just a prank." a teacher says even though it is quite obvious that the corpse hanging for the lights is in fact Mr. Brown's.

I roll my eyes as I make my way out to the reception area "OK so there must be instructions to this game." I mumble "But she didn't exactly say where, it's almost like she doesn't want us to live." Sef jokes bitterly.

As people begin to follow us into the reception, some try to open the doors only to find them locked.

"PEOPLE DON'T PANIC! AND ABOVE ALL DON'T DO STUPID THINGS LIKE THEY DO IN THRILLERS." I shout to anyone who will listen only for it to fall on deaf stupid ears.

"Hellooo again! Those who are now in the reception well done for not being idiots and just standing around unfortunately though for the ones still in the ballroom they will have a more permanent destination.." She hisses as screams promptly fill the ballroom the doors are open and the people in pain sight as weird looking robots and wires crave themselves into the body's of the people in the room there are only about 10 but they all scream as wires encircle them their eyes popping out as the wires enter the mouths and eyes before cutting through their brains like jelly the corpses promptly drop to the ground "You might want to close that door unless you want the game to be over so soon." She giggles.

I push pass the idol body's and slam the doors shut, I feel them shudder as the things on the other side try to get through "Beth! here!" Sef shouts as she drags over a heavy looking table and we begin to pile anything we can find against the doors.

"Good, now that over with. Around this place there are four sets of keys. You have to find out how to get out of here, with them. You have to determine which is the correct one to use by this riddle:

I am found where no body thinks,

and I can open many things.

Also you have about a hour to find it or... Well that door isn't going to hold them forever. Hehe." She laughs raspily before the intercom cuts out again.

"We need to split into groups." Sef says "Yes get Tazmin, Tami and Emily and I'll get Sia and her friends." I say and we rush off in different directions.

I quickly find my friend Sia "Sia come join me and Sef." I Pant slightly from the run in my heels I'm surprised I haven't tripped "OK this is going to be so cool." Sia grins even though I can tell she's scared she's just hiding it very well.

Sia, me and her friend Crissy, make our way around trying to see if we can spot Sef.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I whip around to see See with Tazmin, Tami and Emily "OK now we need to think over what she said." I hum as I look around seeing we are the only ones in the reception now which makes it all the more tense as we hear the doors rattling...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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