rant? I dont know really..

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I always end up hurtin my self.
Ima write some stuff and listen to that song up there while you read, k?
Now I've been on a lorde addiction lately, and I was realizing the stuff her songs were saying. I'm now in love with her songs cause they're like me. Im sorry for not responding to a lot f you, I've just been zoning out and not paying much attention anymore. It starts to get sad wen you realize your not as loved as you thought you were. There friends, not lovers, so you can't really treat them like lovers. And that's sad, cause all I want to be is loved, to have someone to go and cuddle and kiss there cheek and not have to do that to my friends.... But I can't have that and I realize that. I'm proud to have friends that are close. I realize I can't have a love life cause I'll he crushed like I have been many times before, I'm just not really able to be loved to the point f being liked. I'm just a strong, slightly violent tomboy but on the inside I'm a big broken smol cuddle wolf. I just wanna lay with someone and cuddle for an hour. That's my life achievement right there.... I just wish that could happen... Ugh sorry I rambled about my love life. My parents won't even let me out of the house so...I can't wait till I have my own car. I'm hoping I'll be able to meet some of my true online friends, and stay at peoples houses and stuff. I really wish to...

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