Chapter 2

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You fall onto the ice covered ground with a thud. Its painful, very much so. You look up to see a tall blonde around your age. His golden eyes are hidden behind his glasses. He is tall, no, tall is an understatement, he is a skyscraper. It doesn't help that you're on the ground. The pain finally kicks in and tears well up, but not wanting to look more ridiculous you don't allow them to fall. You look down.
"I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and-" you're cut off by his monotonous voice.
"Watch where your going ,"
You taken aback by his comment. Usually if you bump into someone you alpologize, they apologize and you leave... thats how it normally goes... Right? But not this time. The tears finally decided that you've been holding them in too long, and they fall. But you don't really know why. It doesn't hurt that bad any more. Not only that but you're used to being called things because you lived in a house with all your cousins and your siblings as a child of which were  all taller than you. So why did it hurt so bad when he said it? Embarrassment, shock, ... disappointment? You didn't know, but you're tears caught him surprise. His face has a light dusting of pink because he was in the snow without a scarf. You're ripped out of your thoughts by his voice again.
" Hey, um.. I'm sorry I didn't think it hurt that bad, are you ya know okay?" he scratches the back of his neck. His voice was just bearly above a whisper. He extends out his arm to help you up. Your hand fits into his boney one like a puzzle. His hand is oddly warm considering he wasn't wearing gloves. You use your spare hand to push yourselfoff the ground. But quite oddly you didn't let go of his hand. You realize this and turn deep red before letting go.
"Uh-um, I'm okay just a tad sore I guess, I don't know why I was crying, its pretty embarrassing," you scratch the back of your head. "Thanks for uh helping me up," you quickly add feeling rude.
"Tsukshima, Kei," you look up confused.
"Huh.. Oh,(l/n),(f/n)," you give him your name.
"why are you out so late by yourself anyways?" he asks.
"Oh, I ran out of coffee grounds(if you don't drink coffee make it tea or something ), why are you alone?" you reply.
"I just finished practice and I'm headed home," he responds. You notice the gym bag slung over his sholder.
"Why don't... I walk you to the café then home?" he asks you.
"Oh-um okay I guess," you respond your face seemes very warm despite the snow.

Yay chap 2!!! Thank you frand for your halp. Weee I've butchered his character, sorry.  Chapter 3 soon.

Winter's Wonders(Tsukshima Kei x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now