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Darling dearest,

I have seen you walking home so many times, and every time I wonder who are you? Recently I have found out, I have our rings and the house is almost complete. Darling I can't wait to bring you home.

Love your Husband.

He looked up from his writing and grabbed the envelope placing the letter inside, licking the flap to seal it closed. He grabbed the single rose from the vase before heading out of house, hopping in to his car he then drove to Darling's apartment. Slipping the envelope through the mail slot he leaned the rose up against the door. Then turned in a full circle making sure no one saw him before he left.

At the house he grabbed the boundary wire dog fence that he had seen early at the store and set out to bury it along the outskirts of the property. After successfully planting the wire he grabbed the shock collar that came with it and tested the signal, putting the collar on the highest setting.

Making sure his Darling wouldn't be able to run away from him, he made a metal anklet and welded the shocking part of the collar on so his Darling wouldn't be able to remove it.

Double checking his mental check list and seeing that he had everything he wrote one last note to his Darling.

Darling dearest,

I am coming.

Love your Husband.

This time he didn't put the letter in a envelope he just pushed it through the mail slot. He waited impatiently until he could bring his wife home. As he waited he grabbed his knife and left the house, miles away a family died painfully by stab wounds, their bodies were unidentifiable because they were burned and their teeth were placed in acid leaving no trace of who murdered them.


Libby skipped home excited at the thought of her own apartment. As she went to unlock her door she screamed at the rose leaning against the door.

'He's found me!' Libby's mind screamed at her.

Shakily she picked up her keys and unlocked her door stepping over the rose. Libby bent down and picked up the mail, gasping when she saw the two letters from the man called 'husband'.

She read the one in the envelope and then read the other letter and realized the danger that she was in.


He raided the family's house house grabbing the woman's clothing and shoving them into a trash bag. He walked with a purpose down hall to a nursery for a baby boy and took another trash bag and filled it with the baby supplies. He left through the front door stepping over the man's body.

He trudged up the three front steps to his house with the trash bags, then he went inside through the side door and up the stairwell to the master bedroom. He folded the woman's clothes neatly and hung up the dresses, then he walked across the hall and unlocked the door.

Inside was a nursery, the walls were painted a light blue, a homemade crib and rocking chair stood proudly in the corner. A changing table sat on the opposite side of the crib, but he made his way to the closet and unpacked the baby supplies. He took the trash bag out of the room and relocked the door before heading down the stairs to the kitchen to clean his knife.


"Hey Libby, I wanted to know if you're able to come to my party. Call me," the answering machine played the message from Cullin.

Libby sighed, she didn't want to go to the party but she picked up the phone anyway.

"Hey Cullin I'm calling to say I will see you at the party tonight," Libby said when he picked up.

"Oh hey, great I can't wait to see you," Cullin answered.

"See you bye," Libby hung up and flung the phone across the couch.

Seeing that she had a half hour before she needed to be at the party, Libby went and got ready. As she walked out the door Libby made sure that the door was locked and left.

The party was loud and not where Libby wanted to spend her night, right then she wanted to be at her apartment reading a book on the couch. A drunk teen walked over to Libby.

"Hey there sweetheart," he slurred.

"Um excuse me I'm not your sweetheart, please leave me alone," Libby ground out.

"Oh but sweetheart you are," he egged on.

"No I'm not," she left feeling harassed enough for one day.


He couldn't wait any longer, he picked the lock to his Darling's apartment and sat at the table waiting for her to return. As he sat he took deep breaths, breathing in her sweet scent that marked the whole apartment.

He looked to the door as it creaked open, the lights flickered on to show a frazzled Libby staring at him. He was on her before she could scream. Covering her mouth he whispered sweet nothings into her ear as she fainted. Then he carried her to his car and buckled her in the passenger seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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