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You sat down at your desk in the BAU to see a stack of mail in front of you. Not even bothering to sort through it first, you opened the top envelope. Pictures fell out along with a letter, and you picked one up to see an image of Spencer walking out of a coffee shop. Strange. The next one was of him at a crime scene talking to Rossi. A couple were taken when you and Spencer had gone out to a restaurant together after a case and he walked you home. There were big red Xs over your eyes. Stranger. In fact, of all the ones with other people in them, the only times their eyes were crossed out was when it was you.

Flipping through the others, you realized they were all pictures of Spencer taken without his knowledge. As the pictures got more and more recent, there were more and more with you and Spencer together, the red Xs becoming more furious. You then checked who it was addressed to, Spencer. Mail person must have dropped it off at the wrong desk.

"Uh, Spence." You put everything back in the envelope and set it on his desk.

He looked up at you with those heart-melting eyes. "Yes, Y/N?"

"I think you have a stalker."

"What?" Reid said doubtfully, inspecting the contents of the envelope himself. "Get the team into the conference room."

Once everyone was gathered, the pictures were passed around while Spencer read the note aloud. "My dearest, do you remember the first day we met? I'll never forget the way you looked at me like I was everything. You are my everything, and nobody can take that away. Ever. Forever your love, You-Know-Who."

Even though you knew it was a delusional stalker, your heart still twinged at the thought of him loving somebody else. Your crush on Spencer was intense, and just this girl's imagined relationship with him made you jealous. "So, Voldemort is stalking you?" Garcia broke the silence, and you couldn't help but laugh at her joke.

And then you kept laughing, and kept laughing, tears formed in your eyes and you soon realized you were crying. Unable to stop the sadness from taking hold, you darted out of the conference room. You just needed some air. Outside the building, you were thankful for it to be a Tuesday morning with nobody out on the streets. You could cry in peace.

Or so you thought. The doors opened behind you and you could sense someone approaching you. You desperately tried to wipe at your tears, not wanting to show weakness. Whoever it was gently took your hands in theirs to stop your fervent rubbing.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Their voice was soft as they spoke, and you recognized it to be Spencer's.

"Yeah Spence, I don't know what came over me. I'm just being stupid as always." You said nonchalantly.

At your self-deprecating words, he tilted your chin up so that you looked at him, and he spoke sternly. "Any feeling you feel is meaningful, and every thought your beautiful mind can think of is important. Okay?"

"Okay." You smiled, and his face relaxed into a smile as well.

"So can you tell me what's bothering you?"

You guided him over to sit on one of the steps. Without hesitation, you leaned your head on his shoulder to watch the cars go by. "I don't know, this whole stalker thing has me rattled."

"The obvious threat on your life?" He referenced the red Xs.

"I was actually thinking of the fact that these stalkers become so obsessive they end up killing the object of their affection because they don't live up to their fantasies, so she might kill you."

Spencer gently removed your head and stood up gracefully, offering a hand out to you. "Guess we gotta stick together then, hm?"

"Guess so." You grinned, accepting it. He helped you up and laced his fingers together with yours.

"I think we should go back inside."

You stopped, suddenly remembering your lunch. "Ah crap, I left my lunch in my car, let me go grab it."

"I'll go with you." He immediately offered.

"I understand we're both being threatened by a crazy stalker, but you're her fixation, so you should be safe and snug in the FBI building. And I'll be perfectly safe in the heavily guarded parking garage."

Ever since the multiple attempted murders and abductions in the parking garage, a proper security system was placed where only employees could get through. The profile of this stalker said she wasn't nearly smart enough to be able to fake an ID like that.

"Fine, I'll be waiting right inside those doors, Y/N."

"You worrywart." You rolled your eyes, getting on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "See you in ten minutes, tops."

Checking your watch as you approached your car after your brisk walk through the parking garage, you smirked to yourself. You'd gotten there in two minutes, giving you plenty of time to root through the junk in your backseat.

Your fingers had just wrapped around your lunchbox when a funny smell drifted up to your nostrils, and something hit you across the back of the head.

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