chapter 1: peace

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There I was amidst my great kingdom, the people flourished, kids were running and playing tag along the streets, the men were hard at work at the mill and smithy, and it was all so peaceful... yes... so peaceful. I remember turning around and leaning back on the mahogany wood railing on my balcony, covered in orchids smelling ever so fragrant, and seeing her, my wife grace, striding toward me, even with out her crown you could still tell she was royalty. As she walked, her long, white dress with golden lace in magnificent spiral patterns just glided ever so gently above the ground it seemed to make her feet appear float as she walked.

"Grace, you know you should wear your crown if you're going out in public, even the balcony." I said to her. She glanced up at me and gave me a slight smile and stepped into the sunlight so I could see her eyes, her light blue eyes, they seemed to just pull you in and never let go until she blinked, they were so mesmerizing, just like a small oasis just screaming that to have you jump in. "Alex, you know I don't like to wear it that often" she said in a calming voice "it makes me feel above everyone, almost like I am a god and they are my followers, I just want them to think of me like a neighbor or friend". I smiled at her and said " I know dear, I know, you have said it a million times before".

She smiled and walked up to me and gave me a hug, it was so warm and welcoming, I could feel her heartbeat as we stood there. After a wile we walked inside. "Ok, we need to go, we don't want to be late." I said

She gave me a sigh and walked to her dresser, made of mahogany the same as the railing of the balcony, with a red cloak adorning it.  The silk of the cloak reflected the slight light coming from the door to the balcony.  "Remind me why we must go to the ceremony, its a merely medical shop in the middle of town." she complained "Listen dear, I know how much you dislike our royal duties, but this time it will be different, I promise".  

we each got ready and went out to the main courtyard where our chariot was waiting for us, the purple and white patters were dancing in our eyes, the slight fade to red as your eyes moved from front to back was astonishing.  we walked up to the door as the charioteer opened the gold framed door for Grace. Grace stepped up into the luxurious cabin and sat down looking out the opposite side window. 

I look at the the man holding the door for us, an average height man of large build, his face smiling as he said "sir, how do you do?" I look at him as thankful as ever and say "Edward I told you there is no need for formalities, just Alex will do for now." "I know my lord," he replied as he gave me a large smile, "you have told me time and time again, but ill call you by your true name when you are able to beat me at chess."

"you know I haven't been able to for all 26 years I have tried"

"guess you need to keep trying."



I stepped into the magnificent chariot and thanked Edward for his services and we carried along out of the main gate of the castle.

  As the chariot bumped along the brick laid road, Grace was still staring out the window as if she was pondering life, then again, when isn't she. "Grace, Is everything ok?" "yes,"she replied "just nervous". "About what?" I asked "I don't know, just the people and how the feel about the king and queen showing up to a shop opening." she looked back at me with a smile beaming across her face "It's probably nothing".  

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