chapter 3: Haste

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The twigs snapped beneath my feet as I sprinted through the forest, sweat pouring down my face, CRACK* SNAP* POP*, I set off their traps behind me as I ran. I looked back and saw their angry faces snarl like a living,breathing mountain range. I fell a rush of wind past my face as one of the signature Hendanni arrows flies past my ear, the green poison dripping off the black iron tip, barbed like an anchor. once hit from their high velocity bows, the arrow hits the body shattering any bone under the tip, then the skin splits around it and severs any blood vessels in it's way dispersing the deadly toxin into the blood. the arrow slams through the body part until it breaches the other side and stops. you cant just pull them out due to the dual barb design, can't cut the either, it is a black iron core with a spruce wood sheath around it. in a way, they were beautiful, an expert piece of craftsmanship.

To think, this all started only one moon ago, it was the ideal night, calm,clear, for most not a worry in the world, but for me... I was a different story. I needed to to my brother's kingdom as fast as possible and I may or may not have taken a path through Hendanni territory. The thing is, the Hendanni people "dislike" people who are not Hendanni, especially royalty.  All I knew is that I needed to get the heck out of there. 

As they gave chase, I could hear all the arrows coming, that was the one flaw, they were all so loud you could hear it in your sleep. I was able to doge them but just barley. I looked to my left and saw a stream, I remember my father telling me of the hendanni river system and how it leads to a sacred water fall in the middle of the forest with a deep pool at the bottom. I look back and doge another arrow then sprint for the river.

As I jump in I feel the cold clear water hit every nerve nearly freezing me but I needed to swim down stream as fast as I could. Arrows hit the water left and right but soon I saw the water fall and prepared to dive. I stuck my hands out in front of me and kicked with all my might, then I felt the drop, I open my eyes to see about 15 feet of air between me and the water and I began to dive towards the deep blue pool. The last thing I remember is the cold water hitting my back with a splash.

I awoke in a bed on my side with three people in front of me, on the left a short fat man with a receding gray hair line holding some sort of bowl, in the middle was a tall slender man wearing a large feather hat and a smile on his face holding a cane with a magnificent stone eagle on top, lastly on the right was a man of large build who was average height and long dark hair holding my sword.

"Hello brother," said the man in the middle in a low joyful voice, "the stories from our founders and their ancestors have long predicted your arrival."

I sat up straight and immediately felt light headed and fell back down to the pillow.  as I slowly got back up, my head started to feel its normal weight and I questioned "where am I? Who are you people? How long have I been out? How did you know I was coming?"

"Hituewanna, the Hendanni capital, the we are the leaders of the Hendanni people"

"I am Jodin, leader of the arts and culture" said the man on the right.

"I am Mohkit, leader of the hunt and warriors." said the man on the right.

"I am Jaune, leader of the people and all things Hendanni." said the finial man in the middle.

"I am honored to meet all of you truly I am, but i need to get to  Karkendale as fast as possible,thank you for your hospitality." I stand and pain instantly shoots up my back and I collaps. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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