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This is a story about a group of friends having diffuculties because one of them had a crush on the other member which made them awkward. The member asked help from another member but she didn't knew that the decision she did made the whole situation worse.

This is only a one shot story so It won't take too long for this story to end.

There was this group of friends who were living normally and happily together. Jina, Anne, Angel, Pat, Mark, Thomas, Suho, Camille and Trisha. One day, Jina read something in a small notebook where Suho wrote something about his life. There was this part where Jina's attention was caught. There are some quotes and sayings that really hit her. One of it was "that moment when you told me you like me but at the end you cracked it up as a joke" when she read that, she realized that it was her who Suho was referring. With the grudge and the curiosity in her head, her face was left with a blank. Among all of her friends, the best one is Anne. Anne saw Jina with her weird blank face and she was curious if Jina was hiding something from her. She then asked, "hey crappy what's wrong?" They call each other names and also curse each other but they're used to it. Jina looked at Anne with her problematic look and said "hey Anne, its not that I'm assuming but... I think Suho likes me" she said slowly. Anne almost fell off the chair when she heared what Jina said. Suho is one of the campus heart throb, he's good in singing, playing guitar, playing basketball and he's smart and lovely too. All of the perfect boy friend traits are in him. Anne was cracking up when she heard what Jina said. After a minute of cracking, Anne finally got her self back and asked Jina "why do you say so? Well, I'm not telling that you're not worthy enough to be his crush I mean like, come on you're pretty... There is a chance" Among all of the members of their group, Anne is the most special one, all of them tells their secrets to her and all of them relies on her, she's an cold person but has an understanding heart and a mature mind, but she's scary and a bit blunt. She hates bitches for being bitches and freaks for being stupid. She'll be nice to you if you're nice to her... But dont... Dont you ever dare piss her off if you dont want your life to suffer like hell. Anne's closest friend among all is Angel and Suho so he knows a lot about him. "Well believe me or not, there is this notebook where Suho writes his own stuff, I borrowed it and read it. I saw this part where the phrase really hit me!" Jina said to Anne explaining every details for her to believe. And there was Anne with her bitch I dont care look which made Jina pissed. Anne laughed and said "lol I'm just kidding... Uh, what was written there?" Jina then rolled her eyes and said "will you please take it seriously this time?!" Anne was shocked with Jina's reaction cause Jina never really asked anybody to be serious cause she's a cracked up lady like her too. Anne then sat straightly and looked directly at Jina's eyes. "K fine continue" Anne said to Jina. "Well, how come you think that you were the one that he's referring too? There are a lot of girls in the world duuh" Anne continued while raising her left eyebrow up. "Look, last quarter before the mid term, Suho and I were eating lunch together until, out of the blue, I cracked up and told him that I like him, but at the end, I said it was a joke... I laughed the whole time but I can see that he was really hurt.. and the stupifaction that I did was the one written on that notebook!" Jina said to Anne. They are both discussing this thing during their math subject, and with that... Their professor noticed them and said "I just don't get the fact that students still have the guts to talk during class" All of our classmates looked at us with their bitch shut up look. Anne whispered and said "You stupid fuckin bald big foot. I mean, who the hell loves math? well I lovED math once but I started hating it when you stupid freaks placed y, x, blah blah blah letters in it" Their professor didn't hear it but their classmates did. "Lol calm there Anne, forgive the bald man" a voice coming from the back spoke. It was Angel. We laughed for a bit. "Let's just continue this tomorrow" Anne said to Jina. Math is their last subject. They waited for their class to finish.

Anne's P.O.V

After that bashing moment with my professor, I calmed myself down and waited for the boring class to end. I was shocked with what Jina told me. Is it true that Suho has a crush on her? Well, I don't care, but.. What if Jina likes Suho too? Aish, I hate myself for liking Suho. He made me fall for him by his friendly stupid ways, and I hate it. Jina and I can't like the same guy. We might end up fighting for him. I sighed and leaned my laid my back on the backrest. So yeah, I do like Suho. I started liking him when all of us went out for a dinner. He caught my eye for no reason and I hate it. Liking him makes me awkward when I'm with him, and yeah of course... I HATE IT. I miss the good o'l times when I look at him only just as a friend. I feel bitchy everytime I flirt with him. Suddenly the bell rang and all of the students went wild while fixing their things so they can immediately go home. I already packed my stuff during lunch time so no more worries. I stood up from my chair and grabbed my backpack. I usually go home together with the group but.. This time, Im not in the mood to. "Uh, hey Camille, tell Thomas and the others that I'll be leaving early.. I got a lot of work to do" I said to her waving goodbye. I took the long way instead of the shortcut. I don't really wanna go home yet. The way back home is silent since the road that I walked in is a village and people doesn't really like going outside. As I was walking, I heard a shout coming from behind "Yow Anne!" I turned my back and saw Suho running to catch up. I stopped and waited for him, I don't want to act rude anyways. "Why did you left so early? Why did you choose the long way? What's with the empty face?" He asked while catching his breath. I was about to open my mouth but I don't have the guts to, plus I'm too lazy to open my mouth. I just shrugged and continued walking. I am two steps ahead from him. I don't know why but, I don't want to see him uhhhg. "Hey are you mad at me??" Suho asked out of the blue. I paused when I heard his question. I once again shrugged as my reply. I continued walking, and yeah, the journey was awkward. I hate awkward moments. It makes me wanna go crazy and stuff. Finally we reached our destination, I mean, my destination. I sighed. I tilted my head to look whether He is still behind me,I saw him, tilting his head to the left pretending that he's looking at something.. but as I looked clearly, I saw her teary eyes. OHMYGLOB is he crying and stuff. I just ignored it and entered my house. Woah well that's a weird thing but, whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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