Chapter 3: We meet again

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|Alexandera POV|

I woke up to my phone going off I got up since my phone was on my desk across the room but I tried not to wake up Ashton so he shoved his face in a pillow and groaned I just giggled and looked at the caller ID and it said:
I was kind of curious on why he was calling me but I still answered
Me "Hello?"
Calum "Tell your brother to get his ass down here."
Me "Ok see you after school."
Calum "Why after why not during?"
Me "Because I feel really sick and I threw up a little while ago so yeah i'm not going."
Calum "Oh ok well hope you start feeling better ill see you after school."
Me "Ok byyeeeeeee."
Calum "Byyyyyeeeee."
then I hung up 

"Did you just lie to Calum?" Ashton said from the bed looking at me with furrowed eyebrows
"Yes because we are staying home cause i'm to lazy to walk to the bus stop." I laughed getting back in bed and cuddling back into Ashton we layed there for a while until Ashton pushed me out of bed 
"Come on we are going to the mall." He said 
"Whyyyyyyyy." I said shoving my face in the pillow that was on the floor with me.
"Because I want to go to Hot Topic and see what  they have on Clarence also I want to go get new converse." He explained 
"Okay fine." I said then I went to Daniels room and shook him awake and told him the Calum was in his car that his parents got him for his birthday yesterday and told Danny he was downstairs waiting for him then I went back to my room and grabbed a batman muscle tee and some dark ripped jeans from my closet. Then heading towards the bathroom to change. After changing I put on some BB cream and a little mascara then I left the bathroom to let Ashton do his hair and I grabbed my glasses putting them on along with my marvel bracelet and a superman bracelet and some pink Markiplier mustash earrings making me look like a total nerd 
"Alexandera can you come tie my bandanna for me please." Ashton called from the bathroom 
"Yeah just a sec." I said heading towards the bathroom to see him struggling to tie the red bandanna behind his head 
"Here let me help you." I said walking over to where he was and grabbing the bandanna out of his hand and re-wrapping it around his super curly hair and tying behind his head
"And also can you grab my glasses out of my backpack please?" He asked 
"Yeah." I answered quickly running to his backpack and grabbing his glasses quickly running back to him 
"Thanks." He said
"No problem now come on i'm borrowing my dads car." I said although i'm 15 down here that is old enough to get your drivers licence surprisingly. We headed downstairs and I grabbed my sweater of the rack and threw Ashton his that was still on the rack from last time he came over. he put it on and I grabbed my keys and wallet from the counter I looked at the time on my phone and it was 10:30 A.M. I turned off my phone and shoved it back in my back pocket and going out the door followed my Ashton then I locked the door and headed towards the car. There are only 2 cars that we own one normally taken by my dad and one that my sister always takes by my dad took the other car today. We hopped into the car buckling up then I started the car and we headed off to the mall.

**Skip Car Ride**

We finally arrived at the mall and I found a parking spot. Although it is Tuesday the mall was still packed. I turned off the car and we got out we headed into the mall instantly heading into Hot Topic and surprisingly bumping into Luke
"Hey Luke what are you doing here why aren't you at school?" I asked
"I saw that you guys weren't in first period so I just left . What are you guys doing here" He explained
"Oh well we just didn't feel like going to school so we just came here and hey do you want to maybe hang with us today?"

|Ashton's POV|

   "Hey do you want to maybe hang with us today?" Alexandera asked Luke no no no I just wanted it to be me and her not me her and Luke I mean I didn't really mind about Luke but today was the day I was going to confess that I liked her to her and ask her to be my girlfriend but I can't really do that with Luke here cause I could also tell he liked her by the way he always smiles at her and got her number. I mean it took me 2 years and a ton of courage to even become her friend and especially get her number. We became friends in 5th grade we were partners for a science project and do research on whatever we wanted and we both wanted to do the galaxy the Milky way to be exact and we got an a on it and then they put us on the science team and we had to make a new and improved version of our project and we got to go to districts then state and we got a really big award for it and I kept the plack and she kept the trophy since we were the only people on the team and then came Jessica in 6th grade and she bumped into Alexandera accidentally spilling her coffee all over Jessica's shirt and after that she Jessica started to bully Alexandera for being a nerd then one day I stood up for her and then she started to bully both of us and that is the story of how I really became Alexandera's best friend now back to reality.

To Be Continued... 

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