The Sleepover

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Ring ring. "No don't answer it" said Molly firmly. "It's going to be Terrie" said Molly anxiously. "Why won't........" started her mum. "Hey Molly! Tammy's on the phone" screamed Teddy. "Okay" replied Molly in her indoor voice. "Victoree!" Shouted Nathan from upstairs. "Phone for you". "Who is it?" asked Victoree. "It's Rebecca she's ready for your sleepover at her house" explained Nathan and Teddy at the same time.

"Okay Tammy see you here in 4 hours, don't forget anything okay?" asked Molly. "Okay" replied Tammy. "Sleeping bag, check" said Tammy while checking it off. "Pillow and Leo, check and check. I should have my DS, DS Light, DSi, and 3DS, that should be all I need. Am I forgetting anything, Rebecca?" "No, I don't think so" replied Rebecca. Then I put my guardian cards in my pocket and left for my sleepover.

"Are you sure you're ready? Sure you didn't forget anything?" asked Rebecca to her sister. Tammy replied "Oh right, my battle cards!" "No Eyerus had already packed them. "I meant your GSC (Galactic Summoning Cards)" "Oh right, and my GGP (Galactic Guardian Pencil)" Tammy replied. Four hours pass. "Put your stuff here, you can't afford to lose anything so put them in here" explained Molly. "What's for dinner Mrs Thorn?" asked Tammy, after putting her stuff away.

That night... Tammy piped up and asked Molly "Can we tell spooky stories?" "Sure" replied Molly "but for a story we need a tent." So the girls built a tent and planned to tell spooky stories until midnight. "... When all of a sudden the dragon appeared!!"  "Was that you?" Tammy asked Molly. "No..." Molly paused "I think... it was the wind."

Around 2 o'clock in the morning Molly woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. "Who is it?" asked Molly to her mum. "Oh! It's Tammy's dad he wants to talk to you Molly" "Molly, Rebecca and Victoree are gone! They were in bed then they just vanished... Poof ... I would like you and Tammy to come over as quickly as you can, Okay?" "Yes" agreed Molly.

"Tammy, Victoree and Rebecca have disappeared wake up, wake up!" shrieked Molly. Mum yelped. "What?" responded Tammy in a sleepy voice. "We need to get to your house immediately!" "Okay" screeched Tammy "Shush", they both shouted at each other, then giggled. Then they went off. On the way they saw Rebecca and Victoree but with weird eyes and glowing a weird acid green colour.

When they got to Tammy's house, Molly knocked. Then through the window they saw Tammy's dad glowing and have weird eyes. Then Tammy hissed "Get down..." Then Tammy's dad went back inside the house. They stayed there until dawn. Then they knocked again, when Tammy's dad answered the door he wasn't glowing any more, but his eyes were still weird. "Hello Mr Delany, Tammy and I saw that you were glowing last night" explained Molly. "I...I was..." stammered Tammy's dad.

"I just don't believe you" said Tammy's dad confusedly. "Well you were;" replied Molly. "Well it's... family tradition!" explained Mr Delany. "How come I have never heard of it?" asked Tammy, "and how come Victoree and Rebecca were doing it too?" Just then Rebecca and Victoree snuck up and taken over Tammy and Terrie, Molly used her GGP (Galactic Guardian Pencil) to strike back at them so she never got hit just then. Eyerus had taken over all her family's minds and she made them all do exactly what she wanted them to. Then Eyerus went over to Molly and said "Watch the pretty coin of gold, and do as you are told".

Then Molly's mind went blank. The next day all that she could remember every time she thought about everything that happened on every day that had past just not yesterday. All she could remember of yesterday was someone saying "coin of gold" and "As you are told". But that is all that she could remember then she saw herself, she looked like she was covered in goo. "Oh look she's waking up!" cried someone, "How are you?" asked Victoree. "Never better" replied Molly.

"Molly may I tell you a story?" asked Eyerus. "Yea sure" replied Molly. "In the beginning two best friends named Ethen and Mari lived in Germany and Ethen and Mari were both very different. Ethen lived in darkness and Mari was the complete opposite of Ethen and whenever there is a Luna eclipse they both come round and played in the same area. But no one knows what will happen if they collapse one more time. If they come into contact one more time there will be no motion in the world and the darkness will keep pulling and pulling...." But Molly wasn't awake any more she is fast asleep and Eyerus didn't even finish her story.

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