Boxers and Fire Alarms

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Warnings: Cussing


Dan wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, "Y/n I've always had a crush on you!"

Dan leans in to kiss me, closing his eyes just before out lips meet and-

I am yanked out of my dream, confused for a moment why I wasn't in a romantic setting and why I wasn't kissing Dan. Then I jumped out of bed, an annoyingly loud fire alarm blared in my flat. I stumbled to my door and slipped on a pair of slippers before leaving my flat and into the hall. The fire alarm was going off on the whole floor, black smoke raised to the ceiling coming from the far side of the building. I covered my mouth and nose with the back of my hand and made my way outside among the rush of other people from the building.

I went down the stairs and out the door thankful I only lived on the second floor. My building only had three stories, I lived on the same floor with four others. I stood on the curb outside shivering in the cold London night air. The two boys who lived in the flat next door stumbled out of the building, I couldn't help but stare as one emerges from the building wearing nothing but boxers.

Their names were Dan and Phil, and Dan stood wearing nothing but boxers and a grumpy frown. Phil on the other hand was wearing a full pajama set, giving Dan a lecture on why he shouldn't sleep in boxers for this exact reason.

"This is why you should wear real pajamas to bed, Dan," Phil scolds.

"Bloody hell Phil, how often am I dragged out of the fucking flat in the middle of the night?!" He wraps his arms around himself and rolls his eyes. I can't help but giggle. "Oh you think its funny? I'm freezing my arse off y/n!"

I scoff, "S'not my fault you don't wear any damn clothes like a normal person."

"Actually, miss know it all, more people then you realize like to sleep in boxers," Dan huffed as he crossed his arms. My eyes traveled him up and down, suddenly feeling weird towards the hardly dressed boy. His dark brown coffee colored hair was messy and curled. He spoke and my eyes trained on his lips, trying to focus on what he was saying, "You're one to talk about wearing clothes, all you've got on is a t-shirt," He points out as I turn my attention to my bare legs and thighs.

I feel my cheeks going pink as I notice him staring at my thighs, "Oi, eyes up here!" I order as I snap my fingers in front of his face. He goes pink before stuttering some excuse I didn't pay attention to.

"I'm going to talk to the other people over there to see if someone knows what happened," Phil says as he excuses himself from Dan and I. He leaves and walks to the group of people gathered around. A fire truck and ambulance is present though no one seems to be hurt, and the building doesn't seem to be completely on fire.

Dan and I stand in awkward silence for a moment before I speak up to try and break the silence, "I never knew your hair was so curly, reminds me of hobbit hair."

His soft pink lips are tugged into a genuine smile, "This is my natural hair, nice and annoyingly curly." 

"I think its cute," I blurt out before I can properly think through what I said. I mentally slap myself as Dan laughs. "I mean- not cute- well curly hair is cute- and I like curly hair and I just-" I stopped myself as Dan continues to laugh.

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