Stiles imagine (sweet)

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There he was. Walking through the hall with his best friend. I've been in love with Stiles Stilinski since the 4th grade. Except there is one complication. We have been best friend since the 4th grade. He would never feel the same way.

As Scott and Stiles walked to my locker I quickly checked my hair. I know. I sound like a girly girl but when it comes to Stiles I have to be as close to perfect as I can be.

"Goodmorning (Y/N)," Stiles smiled at me. I didn't relize I had been staring until Scott cleared his throat.

"Oh, um, goodmorning Stiles," I smiled.

"So what happened to you at the party last night (Y/N)?" Scott questioned me.

"Oh, I wasn't feeling to well," I lied. Last night at the party I saw that Stiles had brought Lydia. I could litterly feel my heart shatter.

"Oh. I hope you feel better today," Scott said, clearly knowing I'm lieing.

" (Y/N) can I talk to you secretly?" stiles asked me. I felt my heart rate shoot up.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. Scott smiled and waved. Stiles lead my to an empty classroom.

"So I have to tell u something that I've been holding in forever. Last night at the party when I saw you and Jackson talking I felt this slight pain in my chest. I don't know how to exactly say this...I'm in love with you (Y/N). I've loved you since day one. Your beautiful, and smart, and funny and everything a guy could ask for. I don't know if you feel the sa-" right before he could finish I cut him smashing my lips to his.

"I love you stiles. I always have and always will," I said.

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