Chapter Ten

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After our day at the beach, we started heading towards the car, laughing and joking around.

As we neared the place we were parked, I saw a figure standing near our vehicle. I held my surfboard next to me, standing it in the sand, and shielded my eyes from the sun. I took a tentative step forward, squinting.

Then I dropped everything and ran at the figure.

"Jack!" I screamed.

I leaped into his arms and he spun me around in a circle. When he set me down, he held my face in his hands, wiping away my tears. "I missed you too," he laughed.

By this time, everyone else had reached us. As Jack hugged me into his side, I introduced him to everyone.

"Everyone, this is Jack. Jack, this is Kian, Connor, Ricky, JC, Andrea, Kat and Sadie. But you know Kat and Sadie," I said, blushing.

Jack stepped forward and shook everyone's hand, and I saw Ricky surpress a look of disappointment. But at that moment, I didn't care. I had my boyfriend here with me. Things couldn't get any better.

Jack decided to treat everybody to ice cream at a small seaside café, but Ricky declined and bought his own food, sitting as far away from us as possible.

I took my normal place on Jack's lap as we ate, laughed, and talked.

I found out where he was staying and promised to call him that night, then we headed back to the O2L house.

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