My name is Wendy Darling.

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" 'My name is Wendy Darling, and I was brought here by ship.'

'Why Wendy, aren't you beautiful.'

That's how Pan greeted me you know. You don't believe me though. That's why I'm here."

I tried to explain to them, why I should be released.

I can prove it.

Just with a little help.

"And who's this Pan you speak of?"

They asked me, obviously not caring about the answer.

I sighed deeply. "Peter. Peter Pan."

They laughed violently at me, not understanding what I was saying.

"Peter Pan. Like in the fairy tale? You expect us to believe that?"

Another hysterical laugh.

"Oh, he's nothing like the fairy tale.You see, he has no shadow. That's why he came to my house. In both, reality and fiction In the fairy tale, he gets in sewn back on by me, funnily enough. But in reality, his shadow is a separate person and is one of the two ways to get to neverland. Him, and his shadow, are both evil. He wanted to be a mother to the lost boys. Unfortunately for him, I know my way in and out of Neverland. So, really I'm the true winner"

"Winner of what."

Of what? Aha, they have no clue.

Because, that is where my adventure begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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