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We pull up to the side of the curb, outside an old, but sturdy looking building. This is the gym where hopefully Scarlet and the others are hiding.

I get out of the car and Copper follows suite, dragging Benson at gun point behind him. Jade comes too, moving around the car after us with her gun.

"HEELLLPPP!" cries Benson suddenly, and I clock him over the head with my revolver.

"Shut up," I hiss. I honestly feel like I'm a villain in a movie at this point.

How did I get here? How is this my life?

We walk up to the double-doors of the entrance. They are locked.

"Around back?" Copper grunts, keeping a hold of Benson, who is wobbly after my strike.

I nod and we make our way around back. That one is locked too.

"She's here," Copper asserts.

"How do you know?" Jade asks him.

"This door is never locked, not any of the times I have come here with her. The owner says locks are for-- well, he doesn't think he needs 'em."

"Stand back," I tell them, aiming my gun at the door knob.

Everyone clears away and I shoot at it. The knob clangs loudly and the door makes an audible clicking ping. I go to open it, but Copper grabs my hand, catching me off guard.

We look at each other for just a millisecond, but I'm sure my feelings betray me, revealing themselves in the look on my face, because his twitch goes off. He looks away, " Let me go first. You and Jade stay here with Benson."

I go to argue, but he waves a hand at me and walks in, gun in hand defensively.

I hate standing around.

"What do you see?"

"It's quiet. The building seems clear, but I know that they are he--"

His thoughts are cut short buy a yell that echoes from inside the building. I stumble into the darkness of the gym, pointing my gun in all directions. "Copper? Copper!"

"Copper?! What is it?" I try mentally for an answer.

"Ebony," I hear a familiar voice say, and let out a relieved breath. Scarlet comes from around a corner with Copper. She lets out a laugh that I think is supposed to be jesting, but no one can mistake her relief as well. "Scared him good, sorry."

Copper nudges her in the ribs. "I was gonna blow your head off!"

She flicks his nose. "You wish."

I am so relaxed watching them carry on like normal that the realization that Benson is alone with Jade nearly escapes me.

"Shit!" I curse, whirling around on my heels and running back to the door. As I run up, I see no one in the threshold. "Shit! Jade!" I hear Copper and Scarlet's pounding steps coming after me.

When I reach the outside, Benson is standing there with Jade wrapped in a choke hold, the barrel of the gun pressed to her temple. "I'm sorry," she sobs.

"Benson, you piece of shit," Copper growls, voice venomous.

"Now kids, you should have taken my offer when you had the chance," he chuckles, obvioisly feeling superior. "So, here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to take you to the Necro Proxy, since they want you so bad, and restore my good standing with them. If not, I have no qualms about blowing her brains out. So, what do you say?"

The three of us trade a look.

I catch movement to my left. Iris pokes her head around the side of the building, aiming a gun at Benson. I shake my head as discreetly as I can. We need Benson, we can't kill him.

Iris bites her lip in frustration, but begins to sneak up behind him.

"Why go back to the Necro Proxy?" I begin speaking, not even sure of where I'm going with this. "Why not join S.H.A.D.E.? Think about it, you could come with us willingly and offer Gold your support against them. That way you aren't a prisoner, and you have allies again."

Benson tightens his grip around Jade's neck, making her choke. "You think they'll just accept me? Just like that?" he laughs bitterly. "You know nothing! You still think that Gold will pardon you! Don't you understand?" his voice breaks, "They will never let you go. The more you do for them, the deeper you sink into their depths. No one escapes this. If you dare to love someone, they will exploit that love for all its worth until you won't even know who you are anymore."

I don't know what to say to Benson. I don't know what to feel about his words. Is he a victim? Is he a murderer? Is he both? That cannot matter to me right now. Because I do love people, I do want to be with them again someday, and I will do everything I can to escape this system of hatred and be reunited with them.

Iris is at his back now.

She grabs his hand that is holding the gun, directing it away from Jade. She knees him in the groin and he falls over.

Jade runs to Copper, weeping.

I point my gun at Benson as I walk over to him, curled up on the ground.

I see a flash, the gun still in his hand. Iris goes to wrench him up by the arm.

I go to warn her, but Benson, quick as lightening, aims up at Iris' face.

We shoot at the same time.

It's a blast of blood from all angles; up, down, sideways. 

And everyone, everyone screams.

ColorBlind (Book #2 of S.H.A.D.E.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now