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This is my abilities that i can give to you
You always hug me before you going out and after you back home
I always beside you,  give you feel warm

I am waiting you for coming home
to listening your story
what are you doing
who are you meet
where do you go
And you back, hugging me,  kissing me,
and give you warm

You back home and look at me
You tell about your day in the school
You tell about you feel annoyed by your classmates
because he always bully you
You tell about you feel proud because you get a full point in the test
You tell about you feel sad and crying about you lost in the match
You tell about you feel happy and laughing about you won shopping coupon
And i always give you warm

But the warm is not always warm
This time, i can't give more warm to you
I am sorry,  very sorry,  so sorry to you
My time is limited
The truth i feel happy for always being your side
i feel thankful you want accept me
i can't talk but i can express my feeling to you
and always know

This is my time to go,
you must feel very sad,  and me too
start tomorrow i can't give you warm
I'm sorry..
I can't play with you again, walking with you again every afternoon,  sleep beside you every night,  protect you when there some bad guy flirting with you..
But now i can relax and not feel heavy to go,  because you already have partner who can protect you and always beside you.

I sad for can't give you my warm more
my bark.. my woof.. my waving tail to you
but at least i already give you warm

And for the last time...
please hug me in my sleep before i go
in my time,  in my old
it will give warm
for yourself and myself

time to go,  be happy,  my owner

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