Dreaming with a broken heart

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You were waiting for Shawn to come out from the venue and take pictures with fans. Waiting patiently, your phone in your right hand, clinging onto the fence that would separate you and Shawn. There are girls slightly pushing but nothing too dramatic.

A crowd of girls are waiting for him until you hear a girl scream his name. Which gets the rest of the crowd hyped up and excited and that is when everyone started shoving and pushing others.

Calm down, relax. Don't freak out, you can breathe, you're fine.

Trying not to get claustrophobic you focus on your breathing as Shawn comes over and starts taking pictures.

He kindly greets his fans and gives them a genuine smile, takes the picture and goes on to the next girl. He's on your left and he's approaching your side now.

Girls are screaming and shoving their phones through the fence in a desperate attempt to get a picture.

Oh my god it's really him, you thought as you stared at him astonished.

You try not to be rude and shove your phone to his face but hold your phone through the holes of the fence. Now he's taking a picture with the girl next to you and as he's done with her he skips you.

Shocked and embarrassed that you got skipped you felt your face heat up.

Oh god this is embarrassing everyone saw that he skipped me. Maybe he didn't notice me. I'll let him finish with the girl next to me and maybe he'll come ba-

He moves on to the girl behind her and you realized that you wouldn't be taking a picture with Shawn.

"God I'm so stupid." You whispered to yourself.

You turn around and walk away towards the back of the crowd and into the parking lot.

All of a sudden you hear a girl run up to you happily.

"Oh my God!! He's he's calling for you ! You lucky girl! Shawn is calling for you to come back!"

But you were so embarrassed you didn't want to go back and have him take a picture with you out of pity.

"Um no no it's fine I needed to leave anyway, have a good night." You said to the girl and turned back around.

You heard her run back to the crowd and all of a sudden you hear security yelling Shawn's name. A pitched scream was heard from behind you and you continued to walk to your car.

You hear the fence shaking like crazy.

And as you neared your car you heard footsteps coming towards you, and they were nearing fast.

"What the-?" You turn around.

"Let's get in the truck hurry they're behind me!" You see Shawn smiling and laughing.

You're shocked at the scene and quickly reacted unlocking your car. Shawn racing towards the passenger side.

You both sit in the truck and you locked it.

You see girls running towards your car, "uh uh I love your fans Shawn. But I got this dodge last month and I don't want it to get-"

"Okay drive babe!"

You smile at him and rush out of the venue's parking lot. Now you're driving with no direction sitting next to Shawn Mendes.

"Um I don't know where to go so I'm just going to drive aimlessly."

"Sounds good to me but preferably lets go somewhere where it's only us and nature, yeah? Away from civilization."

"Are you trying to kill me Mendes?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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