Excuses... A Drake Love Story

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I make excuses for people... I know that sounds weird... But, i try to see the good in everything people do.. Thats why it hurt so much when he left without saying goodbye... What can I say???? Maybe he forgot about. All the promises we made... How we were gonna buy a house out in Stratford... But... Its none of these... Its because he never cared....

We flip through channels on the tv... Until we finally settle on 106 and Park.. Me and my partner in crime *Mia* are waiting untill the new episode o fThe Game...

"What time do it start?"

How about we ask the cable box...

I go forward on the guide until I see the show at 10:00

"You swear you cute"

No... I know I am...

"Do you remember that boy you used to like?"

Ive liked a lot of boys...

"No the one... What was his name... Oh yeah Aubrey.."


"He's on BET..."

I stare at the tv really hard for a minute... Was that really him? Was that the Aubrey that broke my heart 3 years ago?? The one that never called like he said he would. The one who totally erased me from his life.......


Never was really good with interviews.... The bright lights seemed to burn my eyes... But, if I dont promote myself.... Whoes gonna buy my album?

"So Drake.... Are you reay for the questions?"said Roxie.

You dont know how much I wanted to say no... But, I dont want to make an ass of myself on tv...

Sure... Why not? I wait 1... 2.... 3... 4... and then all the girls start yelling.... Girls these days is so phonny... Just cuz im getting money, they thank they gotta laugh at everything I say...... I guess all girls are like that now.... I wonder... I wonder if Nesh would be the same way....

"Whats your favorite movie"

The Sandlot

"Who would you like to work with"

Yung Savage (Philly Artist)

"Are you and the rest of YMCMB really a family"

Yeah.... We like blood

"Whoes your first love"

Some girl....

"No really... Dont you think the viewers deserve her name at least..."

Fine... Her name is Nesh...*I count to 5 again.... Waiting for the crowd to go nuts*'


Wait.... Did he just say my name?

"No... He said my name" said Mia


Your really not helping...

"What can I say? Its not everyday a famous rapper talks about you on tv"


Just chapter 1.... chapter 2 tommorrow around 10 :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2012 ⏰

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