Mental Metal

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             Jordan was on his way to a concert to perform in his band "Mental Metal". He had done many concerts before this. His band had grown in popularity over the years, after their song "Cells". In Jordan's band were three other guys, Mike, Josh, and Ricky. Mike was the drummer, Josh was the 2nd guitarist, and Ricky was the lead singer. Jordan was the lead guitarist meaning he got a lot of attention, which he liked very much. The band was headed towards his next concert, which was being held in New Jersey. There was silence in the car, until Josh decided to end the silence. "You guys nervous?" To which Jordan responded with "Hell no, why would we be nervous, we're about to perform out 9th concert, we shouldn't be nervous for this type of stuff" he said confidently. Both Mike and Ricky seemed to agree with Jordan, and they both fist bumped him. Josh decided to tell him "Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't mess up. I mean who knows what could happen." Jordan looked at Josh with a confused look and said "Don't be such a pussy Josh." Some time has passed and their concert seemed to be a huge success, millions of people showed up to watch them play. They were headed to their luxury apartment when a beautiful girl showed up in front of them with an invitation and an amazed expression on her face. "OMG I can't believe that i'm meeting Mental Metal in person!!!" The band greeted her and she handed them the invitation. "My friend Jason is throwing a party and he wanted to invite you!" Jordan took the invitation and told her in a flirty manner "I'll go if you go." The girl blushed and started to run off until Jordan asked "Wait, whats your name?" She looked behind her and shyly said "Crystal"

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