The Party

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         Jordan having the reputation that he had, had no problem going to the party, the only thing that made him nervous was the fact that Crystal would be there. The guys had made it to the party and they were greeted by a familiar face. "Oh my god, I can't believe you guys actually came!" They all entered the house and to their liking, they saw a huge party, there was music booming from speakers, there was booze, smoke machines, neon lights, strobe lights, a dance floor, and a disco ball. These things didn't mean a lot to Jordan, he was more focused on Crystal because he thought that this party would be the night he'd need to get with her. Him being the selfish prick that he is decided that he would get her drunk so that he would be able to bang her. "I'm sorry, but I don't want any alcohol, I don't wanna get drunk." Crystal said this which worried Jordan. He responded with "Why don't you wanna get drunk?" Crystal looks at him with a confused look on her face. "Because, when i'm drunk I have no control over myself." Jordan looks at her with an evil look in his eyes. "Maybe that's a good thing." He then leans in to kiss her, but he is interrupted by a hard slap. "What are you doing?!" Crystal then walks away and tells Jordan that he can go fuck himself. Jordan had lost control after this, he became overwhelmed with rage and he decides to go with his only alternative, rape. Jordan started to run after Crystal with evil intentions, and so Mike decides to intervene "Jordan, what the hell are you doing?!" This only fuels Jordan's anger, and without thinking he punches Mike in the face. Jordan had hit Mike so hard that he knocked him out, and this got the attention of Ricky and Josh. They ran after him as he was still running at full speed towards Crystal. "JORDAN, STOP!" This catches Jordan's attention and he looks back with an angry expression on his face "NO-ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!" and he charges directly at Josh and Ricky. He pins down Ricky and starts to completely obliterate him, he throws punch, after punch, after punch with each punch adding more blood to Ricky's face. This ends Ricky with a black eye, broken teeth, broken nose, and a lot of blood on his face. Jordan's last obstacle was Josh whom Crystal was hiding behind. "I don't wanna hurt you Josh." "Well you're gonna have to if you want her!" Jordan begins to punch Josh, but Josh is able to block all of his attacks. Josh sees the insanity in Jordan's eyes and struggles to keep up with Jordan's attacks. Crystal runs to a nearby alleyway where she finds a crowbar laying next to a trashcan, so she picks it up and runs towards Jordan, and she swings. She hits Jordan with the top end of the crowbar, which digs into his skin and penetrates his skull, as well as damaging his brain. She then removes the crowbar fiercely which causes more damage to Jordan's body. "OH MY GOD IS HE DEAD!?" Josh quickly calls an ambulance to come pick up Jordan and rush him to the hospital.

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