Cream-Coloured Walls

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I let out a sigh as I stepped into my apartment. It had been another basic day in my basic life, and I was happy to be home. Here I was free. I could do whatever I want without the usual judge mental stares of strangers on the street.

My apartment wasn't much, only having a grand total of four actual rooms. It was a nice apartment at least, having pretty cream colored walls in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Not my bedroom though. That I had painted a beautiful pale lavender.

Grinning, I flopped down on my new couch. It was a beautiful dark brown leather that had taken quite a bit of saving up to afford.

Ignoring my own rules I propped my feet up on the clear glass coffee table I kept meaning to move, next to my still open laptop. Oops.

I then began my daily game of "find the remote and wonder how it got there". After just under a minute of searching (a personal record!) I located it in the small fern next to the couch.

I was just about to start the special on endangered animals I had recorded last night, when I noticed a strange crying sound coming from outside my window. This was strange considering I was on the second floor with the window shut.

"Goddamit." I muttered to myself. It was November and for some absurd reason I had opened the bay window. Probably because I had expected it to be warmer. Damn weathermen.

Still the crying had caught my attention.

Once when I was ten, I had found an extremely young kitten thanks to following a sound much like this. She had been near death and thanks to me got a chance at life. The cat had been my best friend for the entirety of my teen years. Unfortunately just before we had been scheduled to move into my apartment Blue had been hit by a truck. I held her in my arms as she passed and had cried for weeks putting my entire life on hold.

Eventually I accepted that I would have to move on with my life and moved into my current home. When my mom came to visit me during my first day she showed me a beautiful ceramic cat, which much to my surprise it was an almost exact replica of Blue. My mom told me she had gotten Blue cremated and the cat was where her ashes laid.

"I have never seen that cat purr unless she was with you. I know she won't be happy in the afterlife unless she was with you in some way." This had spurred a whole new round of tears from me and I had put Blue in the place of honor- the shelf overlooking my room.

Shaking myself out of memory lane, I leapt off the couch and headed to the door. I missed having an animal around and figured any animal left of on the street off a mildly busy town would need as much help as possible. 

Noting the cold I slipped on my gray mewgaroo hoodie. I was especially grateful for Jade getting me that for a Christmas gag gift- I could hopefully use it to smuggle (not really my apartment allowed animals) the animal in.

Finally I walked out the door but almost immediately backtracked.

"Shoes. Shoes are essential." I scolded myself slipping on my faded blue converse - high tops of course.

I ran out of my apartment at last, locking the door behind me. Rushing down the hallway, I just made it into the elevator in time. 

Immediately I flipped my hood up to obscure my face from the other people in the room. Other people never really understood me, which explained why my best friend had been a cat for most of my life.

Just when one of the guys looked like he was going to try to talk to me, or even worse- flirt, the doors opened reveling the lobby.

"Hey Julian." I called to the landlord, sprinting out the door.

"Hey Sam-and she's gone." The man shouted grinning to himself.

I shivered as I burst out the door. The sun had already sunk below the horizon despite it being five-thirty. It must have been only about thirty-five degrees. Checking my phone I mentally congratulated myself. It was thirty-eight degrees! I was in the correct range!

Reminding myself what I was here to do, I began to check the bushes lining the base of the building. Never did I think that the animal would have left.
Shining my phone light around I saw a flash of white.

"There you are. Come here baby." I cooed reaching for it. My human friend Jade always said I had no sense of danger. Maybe this was because I would end up trying to pet what ever animal came near me.

Out of nowhere a green ball flew out toward me just missing my head. I freaked out and crab crawled-backwards, ending up sitting in the middle of the side walk.

'That looked like....' My thoughts trailed off as I crept forward. I closed my eyes took a breath and opened them half-knowing what I would see.

"Shaymin." I whispered, my eyes meeting the terrified creatures. My life just got a hell of a lot more interesting.


Whep here it is. I haven't seen any stories like this and when inspiration struck I had to act. I really like this plot line and I'm excited to write more. The pictures that I post will be the outfit Sam wears in each chapter, unless it's a direct continuation of a chapter.

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