Chapter 1

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(Athilia Lawrance)


"I'm coming , I'm coming!" I grumbled under my breathe as I hurried after my parents down the mountain. " Hold your horses,"

I should have known this would happen, whenever I go on a trip with my family it always involves going on walks and the fact that we are in the Alps makes it even worse. Wooooo hoooooo! Nothing but fun, fun and more fun! Gasping for breathe I flopped down on a log. Yup, I should not have eaten that extra slice of pizza. Oh who am I kidding? Anybody would have eaten that extra slice of pizza.

Reluctantly yanking myself up and looking around I noticed that I was sitting on the edge of a path on the ridge of a mountain,and my parents were... unfortunately completely out of eyesight. Woops!

Gazing at my surrounding I noticed that everything kind of looked like the videos on those yodelling documentaries my best friend is obsessed with. For some reason she thinks those guys dressed in weird dungarees and funny hats, herding random goats around while screaming as they wandered over the mountains, were attractive.

Hey, nobody is around! What if... Woaaaaaaaa Athi, think rationally. We do not want to be screaming down the edge of a mountain at weird pitches. Why not? Because it's weird that's why not! But before I knew what I was doing I was pulling myself up, dusting myself off and edging towards where the grassy bank gradually fell away.
Straightening myself up to my full height, puffing out my chest and fulling my lungs with as much air as possible... I let loose!


I gasped for air. What else do yodellers yodel? There was that one nock nock joke. Little old lady who! That was it. I dragged in another large gulp of air, opened my mouth and...


Woah, my voice does not sound that masculine. Does it! Nope I'm pretty sure it's not. Once again I yodelled...


Nope my voice does not sound like that!

"Shouldn't I be asking you that" a deep voice whispered in my ear.

Screaming I swung around and I heard a yelp my fist connected with somebody's face.
Spinning, I came face to face with a stranger. A stranger clutching his jaw. A stranger who also happen to be a cute guy with brown eyes, brown hair and chiseled jawline. Hehe! Woops!

"I am so so so sorry! Are you ok? Does it hurt? You're really hot! What am I talking about? I'm totally rambling? Please don't sue me? I didn't mean to break your beautiful face! At least you still have beautiful eyes left? Ignore every word I just said! Except the sorry! Don't forget the sorry..." My waffling was brought to an abrupt end by a hand being slammed over my mouth.

" I'm ok, I'm ok! Just please stop, your screaming is hurting my head." He screamed back.Wait? I was was screaming! Add another woops to my day! Woops!

We stared at each other in shock. Silence now reigned over the mountains. Nearby, on the side of a mountain a goat praised the Lord for that. The boy ran his hand through his hair, even I was feeling the awkwardness of this situation.

"Why the heck were you yodelling off the side of the mountains?" The boy asked, lifting his golden brown eyes to my face. I was stared at them, those deep sparkling orbs lighting up his whole face with...

" Helllllllooooo, are you listening to me?" A hand was waving in front of my face. Blushing I stammered , trying to get my crazy confidence back. However I tried I just couldn't, around this boy all I could do was stare.

" It's ok, who would be listening with such a stunning sight to behold," he smirked. That snapped me out of my daze very quickly.

"Oh please," I snapped," you're not even that hot!" His smirk grew.

" I wasn't talking about me I was talking about the Alps silly, " from the look he gave me while he was asserting that I think we both know he wasn't. Glaring at him I answered his question.

" Why on earth not, there is no law saying I can't yodel when I feel like it."

"Yeah but it's still weird,"

"Hey, hey, hey Mr. How cool am I! You. Yodelled. Back!" I said, poking him in his, must I say, finely chiseled chest. Yup, under his shirt abs there be. Hehe get it, yodel and Yoda. Yahhhhhhh shut op Athi.

" I'm Thomas, and thou art? ... AND THOUGH ART?"

"What was that? Sorry I don't speak nerd," I grinned as his smirk faded away. JK, any girl could see this guy was not a nerd. Tsktsk!

"What. Is. Your. Name?," he asked through clenched teeth, ohhhhh those purely whites.


"Ok ATHI," he smirked once again, " why the heck were you yodelling at me?"

I don't know, why did you yodel back?

I don't know, why did you yodel back?

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