One shot

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He surprised her by quickly taking her hand in his, removing a bit of her sleeve to be able to smoothly rub his thumb across the back of her hand. She completely forgot to listen to what he was saying, completely forgetting what point he was trying to prove. The only thing she could think of was how tender her skin got from his rubs. She felt her heart wrench at how nice it felt. He couldn't stop looking at her, getting stuck in the surprised wide eyes she was looking back at her with. He had no idea why he'd done what he did, but the second his skin had touched hers he felt mesmerized and couldn't stop. In the first seconds he could see glimpses of fright in her eyes but the longer their hands touched it disappeared and got replaced with a gentle glimpse he hadn't seen in a long time. Suddenly she looked down, realizing what they were doing. 

"Castle" she whispered, almost a gasp.

"Sorry" he immediately lets go off her hand, only to see a small glimpse of remorse.

She felt as if something warm and safe had just left her. She knew this wasn't what she had planned but before she could think she offered him a glass of wine, to keep him from going. He was shocked by the offer but said yes right away, not wanting to leave just yet anyway. Actually he never wanted to leave her.

"Here you go" she handed him the glass she's filled for him before taking her own.

They took a sip each before they looked at the dog he'd come to leave with her.

"Isn't he adorable?" Castle said to try and break the ice.

"Yeah, he really is" Beckett agreed.

She stood beside him and suddenly she felt the small touch of his hand before it escaped her back. She clutched to the wine glass looking down at the wine. She missed the feeling of his thumb on her hand. 

"Castle, do... do you wanna watch a movie?" she asked and he hummed.

"Sure! Which movie do you have in mind?"

Without thinking she shrugged her shoulders, she didn't want him to leave. That's the only reason she suggests it, not because she had the urge to actually watch a movie. They decided to watch one the of the movies they found in her shelf. They sat in the couch and turned on the  movie they'd chosen. They both looked at each other when the dog took a sudden deep breath, indicating he was falling asleep.

"Guess someone's exhausted" Castle whispers and she can't help but feel her lips move upwards. "Maybe I should leave, so you can go to sleep as well."

"No!" she exclaimed and he looked shocked.

Even the dog lifted his head to look back at them.

"I just, it would be a shame if you missed the movie" she tried to save herself but it was already too late.

"Kate, I've already seen the movie" his use of her first name made her heart thrive.

"I know" she gave up.

He noticed the disappointed glimpse reach her eyes and decided he could stay a while longer if that would make her happy. "I'll stay if you want me to?" he voiced his thoughts.

"Only if you want to" she mumbled quietly, embarrassed by how desperate she sounded.

She couldn't believe herself. But then again she just wanted his presence, his touch had made her weak. He nodded and relaxed back into the couch which made her relax too. To her surprise she was sleepier than she had thought though. After about twenty minutes she found herself leaning her head against his shoulder. She could feel his body stiffen at the sudden closeness but before she could excuse herself he put his arm gently, carefully around her shoulders. He noticed her falling asleep and a part of him couldn't help but feel satisfaction at the fact that she had fallen asleep in his arms. After the movie had ended he decided it was late enough so, trying his best not to wake her, he lifted her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. He noticed her hand gripping his collar on his shirt but figured it was just something she'd done in her sleep. He laid her down in her bed and tucked her in. He considered kissing her forehead good night but decided it would be too risky in case she woke up. As he was about to leave her side he felt something sneak into his hand.

"Please, stay" she mumbled and he felt confused.

"Ok, I'll sleep on the couch" he gave in, not sure if she's just sleep talking.

"No" she continued to mumble, her eyes opening.

He got afraid she'd woken to only hear his weird statement and was going to send him away, it broke his heart yet again but he prepared himself for the rejection.

"Sleep with me" she said and it made him freeze.


"Just sleep, I don't... I don't want to be alone. I... I want you close to me" she told the truth.

She knew she was going to have a lot to explain in the morning, but she didn't care. She's tired of waiting to get better to feel him close. He is shocked but doesn't argue as her fingers tangle theirs before she pulls him closer. Before he knew what was really happening he's crawled down in her bed, arms around her with her head on his chest.

"I love you too" she lets go before he heard her deep breathing.

Does that mean she remembered? He suddenly didn't care, he'd have questions for her in the morning, but right now he would enjoy the fact that Kate Beckett, the love of his life, was asleep in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and joined her in the world of sleep.



Might write a continuation of this and it to this one shot but we'll see how many who wants a second part and if I find the time to do it. Anyway, comment your thoughts and thank you so much from reading. Love you! xoxo

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