Chapter 26

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We get to the jail and Chres comes out with a scared look on his face
"Uh hi mom"
"So you keeping stuff from me now "
" What you talkin bout ma"
"Chresanto don't play dumb with me you told them not to tell me but does your father know"
"Yeah dad knows he doesn't go crazy like you do"
"Well Jay has something to tell you that'll make you go crazy"
I looked at my mother with a shocked face like are you serious mom now I'm gonna get it when I get home
"Well Chres Uh Cj really misses you and loves you oh so much and-"
"Jay just tell me"
" Ok they hit me" I said quietly
"What did you say"
"I said they hit me"
"Who hits you Jay"
"Ray, Craig, Mike, Ej"
"I know Chres please be quiet if they find out I told you they're going to kill me"
"Does Teo or Marcus hell does Diggy know"
"Diggy knows but doesn't do anything Uh Teo and Marcus don't know "
"Jay when you get home call Marcus and tell him after that tell Teo cuz I'm not the only one who can save you"
"I know but I'm scared to tell them"
"Just tell them ok"
After that he went back to his cell I walked to my mother's car not saying anything to anyone. The car ride home was silent until my mother said something
"Jay are you ok"
"Yeah just afraid to go home"
"I'm pretty sure they know I told him and now I have to tell Teo and Marcus"
"Your making this harder than it has to be just tell them you can text them do anything just text them they shouldn't be in the dark about this and once they find out tell me so I can join them in whooping your brothers asses"
"Yes mommy"
I got in the house and the girls where right in my room handing me my phone
"Just text them"
I got my phone and text Marcus
"hey best friend I have something to tell you"
"What is it is the baby ok"
"Yeah the baby is fine but it's about Ray,Craig,Ej,and Mike"
"What about them"
"They hit me"
"They hit me"
"Everywhere but my stomach"
"Tomorrow I'm coming over"
One down one more to go
"Baby I have something to tell you"
"What is it baby"
"Well Uh Ej,Ray,Mike,and Craig hit me"
"Fuck you mean they hit you hit you where"
" They hit me everywhere but my stomach"
"Oh yeah watch tomorrow I'm flying out there just to deal with this"
"Go to sleep beautiful I'll call you tomorrow and let you know when I'm here"
"Gn love"
"Gn love 😘❤"

Tomorrow is going to be on crazy ass day that no one will suspect

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