List of powers from Arrowverse TV shows (November 2021 Update)

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Edit/Author Note: This will be edited sometime in the near future since the Arrowverse shows won't return until January. Edit: The shows have returned and so I will edit this page since the wikia page was also edited.

Following the explosion of the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator an unknown, but large, number of individuals had their lives transformed, many of them came from Earth-2. Many of those affected by the explosion and its further effects were given superhuman powers or abilities, being named meta-humans, (often referred to simply as "metas"). It was confirmed by H.R. Wells that meta-humans are called "meta-homanids" on Earth-19.

Not all individuals who have superhuman powers or abilities have been gained them by being exposed to the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator explosion, as many experienced mutation in some other way, in ancient times the first known way of becoming a meta-human was by exposure to the Philosopher's Stone, other ancient means of gaining powers are mystical such as the Anansi Totem and the Khushu Idol, some, like Slade Wilson, had their DNA genetically modified by being injected with the Mirakuru serum, giving them superhuman physical attributes, senses and an accelerated healing factor. Eobard Thawne's biomolecular enhancer would have similar properties, additionally turning its users into monstrous creatures; as would the Stardust drug, modified to change beings on a molecular level.

Known meta-human powers

Power: Accelerated perception
Description: With accelerated perception, speedsters are capable of sensing, perceiving and reacting to things at their speed. Mental tasks, such as reading, could be done in a short time too.
Known Users: Barry Allen, Edward Clariss, Jay Garrick, Eobard Thawne, Jesse Wells, Wally West, Nora West-Allen, Hunter Zolomon

Power: Accelerated healing factor
Description: In some meta-humans, after getting hurt, such as fracturing a bone, it will heal much faster than a normal human.
Known Users: Barry Allen, Joseph Monteleone, Blitzkrieg, Edward Clariss, Jay Garrick, Caleb Green, Nate Heywood, Keith, Shay Lamden (Earth-2), Frost, Vincent Sobel, Eobard Thawne,
Wally West, Nora West-Allen, Hunter Zolomon, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Anissa Pierce,
Khalil Payne (cybernetic enhancement), Tyson Sykes, Latavious Johnson Sara Lance

Power: Aerokinesis
Description: The power to generate or manipulate air.
Known Users: Barry Allen, Breathtaker, Edward Clariss, Jay Garrick, Mark Mardon, Red Tornado (Earth-38), Red Tornado (Earth-X), Eobard Thawne, Jesse Wells, Iris West-Allen (formerly), Wally West, Nora West-Allen, Hunter Zolomon, Wendy Hernandez

Power: Animatopathy
Description: The power to temporarily animate inanimate objects, leaving a psychic imprint on the object, giving them a subconscious link between each other.
Known Users: Mina Chaytan, Clifford DeVoe

Power: Antimatter manipulation
Description: The ability to manipulate antimatter.
Known Users: Oliver Queen, Mobius

Power: Astral projection
Description: The power to send the consciousness of a person to the Speed Force.
Known Users: Wally West, Barry Allen

Power: Atmokinesis
Description: The power to produce and control the weather. Users have been known to be able to generate clouds, direct blasts of wind at people, create tornadoes, create blizzards and create lightning bolts.
Known Users: Clyde Mardon, Mark Mardon, Frost

Power: Bioluminescence
Description: The ability to make any body part glow.
Known Users: Oliver Queen, Jim Corrigan, Allegra Garcia, Alexa Rivera, Bashir Malik, Deon Owens

Power: Black hole/Void manifestation
Description: The power to generate and/or manipulate black holes or voids.
Known Users: Chester P. Runk

Power: Bodily vibration
Description: Commonly known as intangibility or phasing, many meta-humans, particularly speedsters, can vibrate their molecules at the frequency of air, therefore being able to phase any part of their body through objects and people, or even create the illusion that they are a shadow. Known Users: Barry Allen, Blitzkrieg, Edward Clariss, Jay Garrick, Kyle Nimbus, "Shade", Ray Terrill, Eobard Thawne, Jesse Wells, Wally West, Nora West-Allen, Hunter Zolomon

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