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FIND A GUY who calls you BEAUTIFUL,instead of HOT.Who calls you back when you hang up on him.Wait for the boy who KISS your forehead.Who wants to show you off to the WORLD when you are in sweats.Who holds you HAND in front of his friends.Who thinks you are just as PRETTY without makeup on.One who is constantly reminding you of how much he CARES,and LOVES being with you,and how he's LUCKIEST guy in the world to have you.The one who told you "I LOVE YOU!!"

The right guy for you is not the one who has the most MONEY or the most HANDSOME one you'll MEET.He is the one who knows how to maks you SMILE and will LOVE you each and everyday until the END OF TIME.

WAIT for the GUY that would do ANYTHING to be your EVERYTHING.

FIND A GUY that PROTECTS you and FIGHTS for you.

The right man for you will MOVE MOUNTAINS to be with YOU.He won't HIDE behind them.

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