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    Struggling to keep your eyes open, you looked at the time. 2am. A sigh escaped you, and you continued typing out strands of code. You'd finished all your other work earlier, and now you wanted to get a head start on your new project.

    A glance at your phone showed a notification. You tapped on it, a saw a text from  G!Sans <3.

    'Hey angel~ you still awake?'

    'Yeah, working on the project' You started grinning like an idiot as you saw his name for you. Shaking your head, you told yourself that he probably had names like that for everyone.

    'Without me?~'

    'You have any ideas?' You responded bluntly.

You waited for a couple minutes, with no response.

'Not yet lol' The reply finally said.

'Lol, I'm going to sleep now. Gnite.'

'Sleep well~'

Rubbing your eyes, you closed the laptop, and flopped onto your bed.


    Standing by your locker, you yawned and checked your phone. No notifications, just a couple fanfic updates. You shoved the books you wouldn't need into it, and walked off.

    One of the hallways in the school- the club hallway, was always packed with people. They scrambled around, trying to get into their respective clubrooms. Unfortunately for you, you had to pass this hallway in order to get to art.

    Mumbling 'excuse me', you picked your way through the crowd. A trio of giggling girls blocked at least half the hallway, and it was pretty difficult to get past them. Someone screamed really loudly beside your ear, and you winced, and then someone shoved their elbow back, catching you in the cheek.

    You cupped your cheek, and pushed a boy out of the way to get out of that hall. Sharp bursts of pain were coming from where the elbow hit you, and then the bell ring for art.

    Muttering a curse under your breath, and sprinted for the classroom, and quickly took your place outside. A pencil dropped on the floor, and you reached to pick it up. Finally, you sat with your sketchbook out, and a huge bruise forming on your cheek.

Looking up, the teacher hasn't arrived yet, and Sans sat at one of the desks near you. You weren't quite sure why you noticed, though.

A beeping noise sounded from your phone, and you cringed, rushing to turn notification sounds off. Then, you checked the message.

'You ok? There's a bruise on your cheek'

Sans was looking at you in concern, and you flashed him a quick reassuring smile, before replying.

'Fine, it won't last'

'Alright, be careful, k?'

'Sure' The teacher walked in, three minutes late. He caught his breath, and addressed the class.

"For today, as I heard you have a huge project coming up, I'll allow you to use this as a study period. You can either complete your sketches for last class, or work on your assignments."

Sans winked at you, and you realized there was no getting out of working on the project. You bit your lip, and walked over.

"Hey angel~" He said, smiling.

"Is that your new nickname for me, or something?" You said, wincing as your lip began to bleed.

    "I guess." He smirked. You rolled your eyes slightly. "Anyways, why do you have a huge bruise on your cheek?"

    "Someone accidentally hit me with their elbow. It's fine, though." You waved it off, and then realized that you were actually having a conversation, and you hadn't messed it up yet.

    "It's ok, you look nice with or without a bruise." He winked. Your face went hot, and you were tempted to hide your face. He did this with all the girls, but it still affected you.

    Sometimes it's nice to have someone compliment you.

Matchmaking: Gaster Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now