Siriusly, Sirius?

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It was a snowy Winter day, and Harry Potter's friends, Hermione and Ron, and his godfather Sirius Black, were taking a beat up-Chevy car to McDonald's for some... hashbrowns.

"Hey, Sirius," Harry said. "There's the sign."

Sirius drove toward the sign, and then pulled into the large McDonald's parking lot.

"These wierd muggle driving thingies," Sirius growled. He had been taking Muggle driving lessons for weeks, and still hadn't mastered stopping the car. He had done it, but scraped the bumper a bit.

Sirius managed to open the car door, but slammed it into the fiery red Mustang car in the next parking spot.


"OH MY!"

Ron and Hermione covered their ears to avoid hearing Sirius's cursing, but Harry kept his ears open. He personally thought this whole situation was pretty funny.


"Um, Sirius?"

"&*^#%@&*...Oh yeah, Harry?"

"Just thought I'd interrupt here real quick...
Are we going?"


McDonald's was quite busy for some reason. Sirius decided to order first.

"Hello, sir, how may I help you?"


"Excuse me?"



"Big Mac."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, don't you know me? I'm the famous dude who everyone thinks is a murderer."


"Oh my gosh... please... I deal too much with puns about my name. Also, I'm still learning how to order stuff at McDonald's."

"Oh, it's easy, all you have to do is... well, order!"

"Oh yeah that really helps, thanks! Now can I have my Bug Mac? Oops, I mean... Big Mac?"

"Are you Sirius? Do you truly, absolutely, siriusly want that burger? Are you actually a murderer?"

"Yes, I am! And yes, I want it!"

(by this time half the people in the line and restaurant had run away, tripping off fire alarms due to running through the wrong doors and crashing through dirty windows).

(by this time half the people in the line and restaurant had run away, tripping off fire alarms due to running through the wrong doors and crashing through dirty windows)

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Sirius grinned as the last people ran out.

"That's one way to get a place to yourself."

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sirius finished ordering after the lady at the counter had stopped hyperventilating, and peacefully sat down and ate their food.

Hermione was the silence-breaker.

"Sirius, you need to teach us some of your skills."

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