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This was the day were I discovered what true fear had felt like.

Not the horror movies you watch, or the silly scares you get from your siblings. This was fear in the truest form, the most possibly evil entity in the entire universe stood meters away from me. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, could make a single sound except for pathetic whimpers. Any effort to scream was in vain, no one would come to help. Not when the devil himself stood meters away from me, snarling quietly into the looming shadows.

They didn't move. Only stared at me with their stormy eyes that shook me right to the core. The silver coins watched me closely, observing every detail on my body, their pupils tiny dots that were hardly visible to the human eye from where I stood. The longer I stared, the more anger was fueled into my body. Rage shook in my fists, shaking my shallow breaths that fear tried to stop, to overpower.

These bitches killed my parents and Emily, bitch sluts I'll fucking kill you I swear to god, but oh god so scared their eyes their eyes their eyes.

"You bitches," I mumbled, hate weaved into my words, my hand groping the air until it found the wall. Slowly, I forced myself to stand, my legs about to collapse from the fear that coursed through my veins. I ignored it, my fury flaring in a pit. I turned to them, meeting my worst nightmare in the form of human eyes. "You bitches! Rot in hell!" I screamed, fists trembling and sweat pouring down my face. My heart raced, thudding against my chest, pounding against my raging skull. Then, it stopped.

Their eyes turned from passive to cold.

There was no way to describe the maliciousness that ran in their blood, turning mine to stone. The fear slapped my face, my feet planted into the ground as I heard their soft, growling breaths in the dead silence. Their hands raised in unison, my heart shooting faster than a bullet-


Then I heard them release a bloody, awful, devastating screech that shook the entire house.

Glass shattered, my ears roaring in pain as I collapsed to the ground. I cuffed my hands over my ears, tucking my knees as close to my chest as possible. Dishes tumbled to the ground, piling on top one another as the earth rumbled beneath me. My ears began to bleed, I felt the liquid faintly trickle onto my shaking fingers thickly and my nose following as well. My brain screamed in pain, as if it was being strangled to death by the Devil's grip. My eyes began to let tears loose, the agony too much to bare, until I saw a growing shadow loom over me from above. Before I had anytime to scream, the shadow collided with my head, shattering around my head, of which after reality faded away at the seams.


The earth was cold against my skin. My bones tingled with newfound senses, my temples aching bloodily. My fingers twitched to life, my eyes feeling like weights were held against them, opening them seemed impossible to do. My head screamed in pain, the horrid high-pitched screech still lingered in the cracks of my skull. I forced my eyes to open, quite a challenge itself to do, of which I saw a blurred world that was dark and dim. I blinked several times, and I found myself in a terrifying situation.

I had no idea where I was.

My body went rouge, sitting up and jolting back, only to feel a sharp tug at my wrists. My eyes faced down, and my hands were bound by metal shackles, screwed into the wall three feet away. My eyes raced around, panicked beyond belief, my heart racing, then I noticed a girl, who was on the opposite wall from me, sitting in the gloomy shadows.

She was dark skinned, her hair black and curly and matte from being unwashed, covering her face. Her hands, bounded as well, were at her sides. She leaned against the wall, eye seemingly hopeless and foggy. For some reason, I felt comfort from knowing I wasn't alone.

WITCH TRIALS: Hourglass |Book One|Where stories live. Discover now