Who Am I

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"Okay, step into this box and prepare to be mind blown," said the Doctor with a cheery face. Sherlock looked at the Doctor like he was crazy.

"You sure you want to do this?" Clara asked.

"I'm sure," he said. The Doctor opened the doors. "Come on in."

"What is this?" Sherlock asked as he stepped inside the TARDIS.

John looked strangely at the the Doctor then walked in.

"What is this?" he asked.

Sherlock walked out and around the outside of the TARDIS before going back inside then back out again. Clara giggled.

"But... it can't be possible... that's not possible... it's - it's - it's bigger on the inside," Sherlock said. "John, opinion?"

John stepped out of the box. "How is that possible? Who are you?"

"No, what are you?" Sherlock corrected John. "And what is this... thing?"

"I told you. I'm the Doctor, and that's Clara. And this old thing? She's a police box. Can't you read?" the Doctor began. "Okay, I'll cut to the chase. She's the TARDIS."

"And what is a TARDIS?" Sherlock asked.

"TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimension in Space. The TARDIS is a time machine. And me? I'm just a daft old man with a box. I'm a Time Lord. This box can travel anywhere in time and space. Anything that ever happen, or ever will happen, I can go there. I'm from the planet Gallifrey. I'm the last one," the Doctor explained.

"Time travel? That's not possible!" John exclaimed.

"John, shut up," Sherlock snapped. "Prove it."

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