Im Obviously in Slytherin

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All the first years went into the great hall to do the sorting. This is stupid. I'll have to wait in line. Sigh...

"Now, will you wait along here, please. Now... before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words. " That Gryffindor Professor said

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you. " The Headmaster said

"Now, when I call your name you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." The Gryffindor Proffesor continued


Geez that horrible accent. No wonder why she's in Gryffindor.

" Ah, right then. Humm... right. Okay, Gryffindor!"The Sorting Hat said

Ah mudblood im assuming.


The hat wasnt even placed on his head


Obvious,Obvious. It was useless to even stay in the sorting.


"Ahh...Another Malfoy.You seem clever enough to be in Ravenclaw.You do hate Gryffindors,but you have some ravenclaw characteristics.Hmm...very difficult."

"Shut up you bloody rotten hat. Place me in Slytherin. Besides its in my family blood line." I whispered angrily.

"Ah Fine then.You're just like your family,SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled

The Slytherin table cheered. I sat next to Draco and saw Professor Snape.I assume he teaches potions. Potions is one of my favourite interests. He started to look at Harry. I looked at idiotic Harry Potter. It seems he wants attention by covering his stupid scar.Why am I looking at him? I looked at the girl on the chair who was going to be sorted.



"Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you..."

Mhm. Gryffindor,idiots they are


The Gryffindor table cheered.


The whole hall was silent.Including me. If he gets sorted into Slytherin i'll give him a chance.

"Hmmm... Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent. Oh yes, and a prove yourself. But, where to put you?"

That Potter kept murmuring something

"Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? "

He kept murmuring

"Well, if you're sure, better be... Gryffindor! "

The Gryffindor table cheered

Well,Potter deserved it anyway.He's a halfblood.


This chapter for Christmas :)) MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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