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Maya:well that was weird
Riley:I agree,but maybe it's time you tell him the truth,you can't keep this secret forever you know
Maya:I Guess I will
Maya went home,she laid on her bed and took out her phone
Maya:okay Maya you can do this
Me:Hey Farkle I have to tell you something important
Farkle💓:hey Maya,so what is it?
Me:well how's your relationship with Smackle going?
Farkle:Are you okay Maya?
Me:um...yah everything is fine
Farkle:well then,it's going steady
Maya's POV:
Okay Maya Hart don't be a chicken just tell him hat you like him!okay here goes nothing
Me:Farkle what I have been willing to tell you is...
Me:are you going to zay's party tomorrow?
Farkle💓:I am!i'll see ya there!
Maya:AGH!why can't I just tell him,what's wrong with me!
Maya grabs her phone and key in Riley's phone no.
Maya:Hey Riles!
Riley:hey Peaches!so have you told him yet?
Maya:ugh no i didn't have the guts to!
Riley:what!Okay Maya Hart tomorrow you have to tell him got it?
Maya:okay Mom bye!

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