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"What take you so long ?" Ravi asked you. You smiled at him. Since it is recess, you, Ken and Ravi went to your port. On the rooftop. "Hey Ken, do you have any girlfriend ?" You asked spontaneously. "No, why ?" He answered. Silence remain. "Wait, are you try to be my girlfriend ?!" Ken asked in shocked. "Whatta ?! Noooo !!" You said. He smirk at you. "No, just now, someone grabbed my hand and slapped me. She said she was your girlfriend." You explain. "Hahaha that's must be those crazy girls." He mumbled. "Can you help me ?" He asking for help. "Sure, what is it ?" You asked back. "Be my fake girlfriend. I wanna escape from those creepy mad girls." He said, letting out his stress. "Hmm I'm not sure." You replied, having fun teasing. He glared at you and do some aegyo. "Haishh, sure then." You said, cannot defeat his cuteness. "There you are !" He shouted when he saw Ravi brought some food. "Thanks pal." You said. Ravi smirk. "Hey you guys must help me." Ravi cried. "Why ?" Ken asked, worried tho. "I want her. Accidentally fall in love with her." He said, pointing to the girl who sat with her friends on the park. "Wah Ravi, I can't belive this." You teased him. He shy. "Haha we will try." Said Ken. "I know that girl. It is Jaehwa." You said with confidence. "Let me try to persuade her okay." You give suggestion. Ravi nodded happily. "Haha Jaehwa." You whispered yourselves. "Why ?" Ravi asked. "Don't you ever think that Jaehwa is Ken's future ? Yea I mean their name were close." You said happily. "Seriously ?" Ken speechless. You and Ravi both looking each other.


The class is over, it and ravi go to your car. Like usual. "Y/n) ahh~ would you mind to go back with me." Ken asked shyly. "Hahaha okay." You smiled. "Ravi ahh~ I'm with my husband. I'll call you later." You shouted to make Ravi heard you. But not only Ravi, you noticed a girl that slapped you before, so you wanna make she heard you. Ravi make an 'ok' signal. You still noticed that girl still staring at you, you then flirting with Ken. "Oppa, I'm tired." You said and put your hand around Ken's neck. He put his hand around yours too. "Ahhhh !" That girl screamed. Both of you laughing. "Sorry for over react." You said and bowed. "Haha it's fine. If you're not doing that, I'm sure she will flirting with me." Ken explained, feel released. Both of you went into the car. "So where are we going ?" He asked. "Home." You answered. "You have no fun. Let's go to the park." He suggested. You agreed.

You arrived at the park. "Let's buy and ice cream." You said. "Who go there first, win. Who loose must bought ice cream." He said. You ran first. "Yeayyy I've won !!" You shouted in happiness. "You cheated !" He moaned. You tease him, and pointed to the ice cream. "Vanilla vanilla vanilla." You mumbled. He ordered two ice cream for both of you. "Yeayy free ice cream." You enjoyed your ice cream. "I don't get it, why there are so many people likes you ? You're annoying." You wondered. "Yea right, I dont have any specialties." He said, eating his ice cream. You shook you're head. When both of you finish eating, you went to the car. He sent you home. "Drive safely." You said, waving at him. He waved back and start driving. You entered the lift. "Omma !" You shouted when the lift door was opened and Ravi scared you. He laugh hard. You knock his head. "Aww it's hurt." He said. You smiled. "Having a happy time haa ?" He said, teasing you. You gags. "Guest what ?! Jaehwa wanna be mine !!" He shouted happily. "Ahh seriously ?!" Both of you jumping. You congratulated him. He shows you their conversation.

"Hahaha I'm the one who feels very happy right now

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"Hahaha I'm the one who feels very happy right now." You said to him. He grinned. "She said that she also likes me." Ravi said. You know how does it feel. You went inside your apartment. You was very happy, not because of Ravi, but with Ken. 'Am I love him ?' You keep asking yourself. You feel blurred.

"Are you asleep ?"

You received a message from an unknown number. You

were scared to reply because you don't know that number. So you decided to leave the message. Suddenly that person called you.

"Hello ?" You started.

"Hey, it's (y/n) right ?" He asked.

"Mm." You gave a short answer.

"This is Ken, save my number ! Okbye !" He hung up.

You watch his number on your phone's screen. "What name I have to put ? Hmm." You said alone.

'Jaehwan Lee ?'
'Cutie hwannie ? Naa he's not cute.'
'Wait, he is cute !'
'Nooo, what if he stalk my phone ?'
'I will be ashamed.'
'Ahh ! Heart stealer !'
'Noo, he will know that I've crush on him.'

Your thoughts in your mind. "Haa ! Lovely Fake Namchin !" You finally made a decision. You type he's name as fast as possible.

"Nite fake sweetheart."

He text you.

"Nite fake heart stealer !"

You replied. He replied back with some emojies. 'With you, my night is complete.' You whispered to yourself.

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