The rescue

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Over 10 police cars were one the road to reach the place were Kyle and Jimmy. Frank was in the car that was leading the other cars. When they reached the place, Frank said:
"He is in that abandoned building. Let's go!"
Frank was nervous. He loosed his best friend, it was like a brother to him!
"And he died for nothing..."- thought him- "He died to save his son and his son died seconds after him."
He never thought that Henry could be a psycho, or a genius.
When they entered the building they heard a noise. They went upstairs and found an open door. What they found inside made Frank's face become white. Jimmy and his sister were lying dead on the ground and Kyle was tied to a wall.
"DAD"- shouted him- "It's Henry! His alive!"
"We know"- said Frank
"You got to find him!"- said Kyle
"Henry died"- said Frank
"Oh... Poor uncle Charles... He's he..."- said Kyle
"He died, Kyle. Charles is dead too"- said Frank
"Uncle Charles died?!"- said Kyle
"Yes, Kyle"- said Frank-"But know we need you to tell us what happened here."
"Henry lured me to the park by sending a..."- said Kyle
"We already know that"- said a cop- "What happened in this building?"
"Jimmy told me everything about Henry plans and how he was manipulating him"- said Kyle- "Then he told me he had to kill me because if he didn't Henry would kill his sister. But when he was going to do it he said he couldn't and ran away. 10 minutes later he came back with his sister and told her to close her eyes. Then he said that what he was going to do was to save her pain. He killed her with a knife. And then, he killed himself. He left me alone, waiting for Henry to come and kill me. But you got here first."
"Don't worry son"- said Frank- "This nightmare is over. Now, we are going home."

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