Ch. 3: Lost

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I bit my lip, thinking hard. The bloke did not look familiar in the slightest.   I was sure I have never met or seen him before, even though the self-assured smile on his face was telling me otherwise.
"Doesn't it ring a bell to you?" he asked slowly, definitely amused by my look.
"No", I shook my head, "I am afraid it does not."
"Well, I play with the Rolling Stones", he said softly, "do you know the Rolling Stones, sweetie?"
"I am not your sweetie!" I blurted before I could realize I was actually saying it aloud. It made him laugh.
"As you wish. But I am surprised."
"Ehm, sorry?" I snapped, crossing my arms on my chest. I was starting to get annoyed, and the fact that I was exhausted and my legs were aching from did not help much. If only I could go home...
"But would you like to know?" he asked politely, interrupting my thoughts. He was looking me in the eye, but in more of a cocky than a rude way. " We will be doing a show at the Palladium next week. I could get you a ticket."
I still don't know why I said yes.
"Lovely. That's just lovely." He grinned, his eyes still fixed on me. "I would be really glad to see you there. I bet you will like it."
It was already half past five and I was still at home in my satin gown, quickly going through the make-up bag. I wanted to look good so I desperately needed that lipstick. I threw a glance at myself in the mirror. I was not satisfied with what I saw. A tall, haggard, skinny girl looked at me. I put some more rouge on my cheeks.
This way, I looked a tad better.
I decided to dress up a little so I put on a nice dress. I thought it would be a good idea to accessorize with a brooch Eric gave me for my birthday. I rummaged in the jewellery boxes for a couple of minutes before remembering I had put in the ballerina one. I slowly opened the lid, trying not to scratch it with my nails. The little dancer started twirling around, and I felt the sudden urge to dance too. The music went on and on. First position. Battement. Plié. I danced and danced around the room, giggling uncontrollably until I felt dizzy and had to sit down. My hair was a mess but I was so happy. I was being me. I was the little blonde ballerina. Why would anything else matter?
I was late already, so I hurriedly pinned the brooch, sprinkled my hair with some perfume and almost ran downstairs where a car had been waiting for me.
In the car I was repeating the words I was going to say to Eric. I felt my guts churn. I knew being so nervous because of some boy was stupid but I could not help myself. I took a couple of deep breaths just before the car stopped. Shivering, I got out.
Eric was waiting for me in the lobby. His hands were toying with something. I smiled when I caught his glance but, much to my amazement, he did not smile back. I wanted to sit down so he followed me.
"Hey!" I said playfully and stretched to pat his cheek. He stopped me from doing that by grabbing my wrist. "Has something happened?"
"Actually...No, not really."
I did not like how his voice sounded.
"What's the matter then? Do you remember what you told me over the phone? Cause I do." I stated coldly, leaning back. Eric shook his head.
"Would you like a cup of tea or something?"
"No, thank you so much. I would like you to answer my question."
"Alright," he let out a long sigh, "If you want the truth...Look," he showed me what he had been holding in his hands. It turned out to be a picture of a blonde girl with curls that looked very artificial. I looked up at Eric.
"See, this is Eileen. We have been friends for ages...We met in kindergarten."
"How come I don't know her?"
"I am not sure..."
"So you've been seeing her?"
"Yeah. I thought it would be better if I told you."
"Excellent!" I exclaimed in my best sarcastic tone. Before Eric could realize what was happening, I snatched the photograph out of his hands and tore it up, throwing the pieces into his face. I jumped up.
"Fuck you, Eric Masterson! Fuck you and your bloody girlfriend! I don't want to see any of you! Never!"
I rushed out, slamming the door shut behind me. No matter how much I enjoyed the bewildered and shocked look on Eric's face, I did not want to see him anymore.
I walked down the street, freezing in my faux fur coat. I did not cry, I just could not. I felt empty, my mind was blank. I watched the people pass me by, smiling, laughing, talking lively. I was supposed to feel jealousy towards them and their happiness but I did not. I just walked and walked until I lost track of where I was. Chilly wind was blowing in my face and I pulled my sweater up to cover my neck and chin.
The street I was on came to a dead end so I had to stop. I heard the sound of cars speeding by. I was not far from the road. I turned around and ran until I reached the traffic lights. It was getting dark. I was about to catch a cab to go home when I remembered I promised to be somewhere. Meeting up with someone? No, enough for today. A party? No, definitely not. I was going to a Rolling Stones concert!
Luckily, the ticket was in the pocket of my coat. I caught a car and was at the Palladium within ten minutes.  What I did not know was whether I was going to see Mr Jones that evening.

- loveandsqualor

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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