Leave Me Alone!

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I woke up and got my clothes on,did my makeup,and hair. I made breakfast for Xaviar and I Bacon,pancakes,eggs,and sausage *😏😉*.
~ skip to school~
We walked into the school hand in hand "oh look emo freaks are dating so sweet" the queen bitch Brittany said to us as she passed "FUCK off Brittany I can beat your ass now" "hah as if u would get detention or even suspended and will ruin ur 'special grades' hah" "actually yah I can dropped out skank" I stated. I smirked at her facial expression.

We walked to our lockers and opened them *there right next to each other* I grabbed all my school supplies and put my snacks and monsters in my bag because I always have a bunch of Snacks and monsters in there for breakfast. Right when I put my last monster in my bag the locker closed and I was pinned to the lockers. Xavair was down the hall he told me he was gonna go to the office.

It was him "hey sexy,wanna fuck" "hah nah I'm good got someone" he stuck his hand up my shirt but i slapped it away "Don't do that bitch" he punched me in the gut. I screamed "XAVAIR!!"

~Xavair's POV~
I heard a scream followed by an "Xavair" I looked back to see Kailey waving for help. I ran to her when I was 5 feet away I saw him punching her in the gut, I pulled him off her and punched him in the face knocking him out cold "Babe you ok did u puke did he T-tt-touch you" I asked scared "he put his hand up my shirt but I slapped them away and he punched me but I'm fine don't worry daddy" I blushed "Ok,come on we can just call the school grab ur stuff and lets go babe" she nodded

Hey guys so I will be updating a lot but the others won't really be in this a lot I'm probably just gonna say they moved to a different state and got married or something so yah Loves Yous Alls
~Kailey (KK)

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