The strange live of that guy Jay

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The day started off like any other day for Jay.Wakeing up,brush teeth,get to work,kill some crazy insane monster like a hippopotamus or something. Maybe a vampire...nah...neko? No that would be offensive to some people. How about a fat guy planning on going to McDonalds. Yeah that seems right. any way today is the day. That he goes against something he was never prepared for. some one NO...something that can make your ears cry. wait is that even possible? give me a second... is possible. Now if you excuse me I'm going into the emergency room. Sis. Can you take over the story for me? Thanks. Hi guys! I'm the author's sister! This will be awesome! my brother doesn't trust me with stuff like this. How bout I show you a cool screen shot of my painted toe nails? start the story sis! ok ok OK! geez so pushy. Once in a strange town...END of part 1.

The strange live of that guy Jay (2013) (Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now