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"I love you."
"How many times do you have to say that, Teddy?"
"As many times as it takes you to believe me."
Maeve sat up in the hospital bed, wincing slightly as her side ached.
Theodore looked at her with sad eyes. "It hurts again,doesn't it?"
She looked at him. "No, no, I'm fine. Really."
She sighed and wiped her face.
"Does cancer ever become not painful?"
Theodore closed his eyes, he hated hearing those words;they ripped him apart,for he knew his love would be ripped away at anytime.
"Theodore. Look at me." Her soft voice spoke.
And he did, he looked at Maeve, her pale green eyes sunk into her face, and her light brown hair was thinned,barely hanging onto her head.
"I love you."
"I love you too,sunshine."

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