13. Sibling forgiveness

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Matt’s POV


Two days had passed since the World Trade Center had been hit and we were still looking for survivors. “Hey Matt look over there and I’ll look over here.” Chris said pointing off in a direction. I nodded and went in search. Suddenly the sound of a small heartbeat and crying hit my ears along with a somewhat familiar scent. I ran towards it and lifted some of the rocks and saw a little alcove with a little girl and two adults inside. I recognized the adults as my parents and then it hit me. The little girl was my baby sister. I hadn’t seen her since she was 1 month old and I was cast with the job to protect her. Our parents had then sent me off to train in order to keep her safe when the time came.

“OVER HERE!” I yelled. “I FOUND A SURVIVOR!” I climbed down and kneeled in front of her small terrified little form.

“Hey sweetheart. Are you alright?” I asked even though I saw that she was mostly covered in blood. She looked so terrified. It hurt me to know that I couldn’t help her much.

 “I won’t hurt you.” I said holding my arms out.” Come on let’s get you out of here.” She held out her arms to me and I picked her up. She latched on to me probably terrified about being alone in the dark hole again. I held her close trying to protect her from the terrors of the incident.

Doctors and others swarmed us and tried to take her away from me. When a pair of hands grabbed her and tried to pull her off of me she screamed and started crying a little bit. I growled.

“It’s alright Mark. I’ll take care of her.” I said. “Sweetie I need you to let me go so I can make sure you’re not badly hurt.” She cautiously let go of me and I placed her on the gurney and looked her over to make sure nothing was seriously hurt before I started to clean her wounds. Her head was cut as was her back and parts of her arms.

“Hey Matt.” Chris said walking over to me.


“Our shift’s are up. Let’s go home.” He said annoyed. He had wanted to stay but he couldn’t. I looked down at my sister and she stared up at me her beautiful innocent brown eyes filled with fear that I would leave her.

“I can’t leave her Chris. She’s terrified.” I said. She’s my sister Chris. It’s my job to protect her now. I thought to him. He sighed.

“Fine. I’ll clear it with the Chief.” He said walking off. I looked at my sister with a soft smile.

“Hey little one. I’m Matt. What’s your name?” I asked even though I already knew it.

“Lyra.” She said in a terrified little 7-year old voice. I smiled. “That’s a pretty name, Lyra. You’re going to come home with my brother Chris and I alright?” She nodded. I picked her up and went to Chris’s car where he already was. We drove back to the small apartment where we were staying and I carried Lyra in. She had fallen asleep on the way here so I laid her on the couch and put a blanket over her. I kissed her forehead gently before calling Ella and John.

“Hello?” Ella, or Mom, said picking up.

“Hey Mom. It’s me Matt.”

“Matt Sweetie what’s up?”

“I found my sister and my parents in the rubble of the Towers.” I said. “Only my sister, Lyra, survived. It’s now my job to protect her.”

“I understand I’ll get started on the adoption paper work immediately.” I smiled. One reason I loved Ella like a mother was because she understood all 8 of us.

“Thanks Mom.”

“No problem dear. Just take care of my new daughter ok?” I chuckled.

“Will do.” I hung up the phone. I sat down in front of Lyra’s sleeping figure on the couch and fell asleep. I wasn’t going to let her be alone anymore.


Lyra’s POV

By the time Matt finished telling me what had happened tears filled my eyes. As the first tear went down my cheek Sebastian pulled me into his chest and let me cry. He just rubbed my back and whispered comforts into my ear. When my sobbing had stopped enough for me to talk I looked back at Matt. His face was contorted in sorrow and agony that he had to tell me this and that he couldn’t be there for me.

“I’m so sorry Matt. I didn’t know. Will you forgive me for being a bitch?” I asked still crying a little.

“Only if you’ll forgive me for not telling you.” I nodded smiling.

“I do. Remember little one. I always have and I always will love you.”

“I love you too . . . . bro.” His face filled with happiness making me chuckle.

“I have to go now. Bye Little One.”

“Bye Bigger One.” I said before the video chat closed.

“So what now?” I asked looking at everyone. Sebastian spoke up.

“How about I get breakfast delivered so we can all just chill in our PJ’s?” I nodded giving him a hug.

“We’re going to go get changed.” Mayla said as everyone went off in different directions. I turned so that I was straddling Sebastian and smiled at him. He smiled back and kissed me gently on the lips. I pulled away and planted an opened mouth kiss on his neck making him moan. I was pulled away and looked at Sebastian his eyes now yellow with lust. He started kissing my neck until he hit where the neck meets the shoulder. He licked that spot before biting down sending shivers of pleasure through me. He licked it to clean the blood off and pulled away.

“Now you are mine. No other male can touch you unless you allow them too.” I smiled and kissed him passionately. My fingers tangled into this hair making the kiss deepen. He pulled me closer almost refusing to let go.

“Whoa!” We broke apart to see Shawn and Maya standing there, Shawn shocked and Maya with a grin on her face. I blushed and moved to get off of Sebastian but he held me there growling.

“Sebastian please let go.” I said. His gripped loosened and I got up. Before I could get very far I was pulled back onto his lap with his arms tightly around me. I felt my face turning as red as a tomato.

“Easy lover boy.” Maya said sitting down next to us. “We all know she’s yours.”

“Hey Sebastian?” I said.

“Yes babe?”

“Could you please order us something? I’m a little hungry.” He let go and moved me off his lap and onto seat before going and ordering food. Mayla, Dan, Nate, and Frankie all came out and joined us.

“Well we’re all happy you’re safe Ly.” Dan said kissing my forehead. I smiled.

"I'm going to go find Sebastian." I said walking towards the kitchen.

"Sebastian?" I asked looking in the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled. 

"What's up Angel?" He asked coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him. 

"I have something I need to tell you." He looked at me nervous and worried.

"Is everything ok Angel?" I nodded. 


"What's up?" I looked up at him with a huge smile on my face.

"I shifted." 

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