Welcome to #CPNChat!

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#CPNChat is a safe space where both CPN novelists and readers come together to discuss various topics ranging from anime, writing processes, latest reads, and more. New topics are posted every other week in the form of questions or prompts. Many of our authors and readers share similar interests, and we consider you all part of the family! 

We encourage the community to get involved and get to know one another by commenting thoughts and conversing as we continue to update the chat threads. 

If you have ideas for future topics you'd like to see discussed, don't hesitate to submit them to us through private messaging.

Do keep in mind that #CPNChat is open to the entire Wattpad community and should be welcoming for all. With that said, please refrain from posting inappropriate content or discrimination of any sort. Harsh language and harassment is also unacceptable. We would like the discussions to be enjoyable for everyone. Please let us know if there are any issues.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduce Yourself! How did you discover cellphone novels?
2. Favorite genre, time and place!
3. Why CPN?
4. Laptop or Mobile Device?
5  Images or not?
6. CPN titles: Japanese or not?
7. CPN words: Exceptions or not?
8. What is your favourite CPN so far?
9. CPNs: What is your favourite recurring theme?

Stay tuned for more...

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