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I've spent too many days like this.

Here I am, flipping through my keys to find the one key that goes to my apartment door.

I really should color code these.. I thought as I found my car key next to (finally) my house key, both looking a bit too identical.

Turning the key in the lock, I pulled open the door to find my particularly slow, yet beautiful love of my life.

"Oh, My sweet Esme! You waited for daddy just like he told you!" I cooed, lifting her up and nuzzling my nose into her soft black fur.

Yeah. Esme's a cat.

Its normal, trust me.

Tucking Esme into the crook of my arm, I walked to the sofa and sleepily slouched into it, casting a glance towards my beautiful orange tabby, Betty.

..Well... Betty's not exactly mine, sadly.

Betty (unfortunately) lives across the hall with my neighbor, Mally. She often works late nights, and she didn't want to leave poor Betty alone all by herself, so she decided that it would be best for I to cat-sit, as a fellow cat lover does.

Knock. knock. knock.

I sighed, picking myself up off the sofa and to the door. Looking through the peephole I saw a curvateous woman with tightly curled black hair barely being contained by her headband.

I sighed and opened the door.

"Now where the hell is my Betty? You know I have more important things to do other than look at your perverted face." Mally dissed, strutting into the apartment and looking around in a temperamental manner.

I secretly rolled my eyes at her comment. She'd nitpick about everything she saw if she had the time of day. She particularly had it out for me since the say I moved in. I was interested about her prosthetic leg and unintentionally looked up her skirt, and she still swears up and down that I had intentions of seducing her. Ha.

"Sebastian, where is my cat?" Mally spat distastfully.

I sighed."She should be on the sofa..."

"Last time I checked, your legs weren't the sofa."

I looked down to see Betty rubbing her head on my legs. I smiled softly before bending down to pick her up. Caressing her soft fur one last time, I held her out to Mally.

"Here's Betty, I do hope she has a lovely night."

"What about me?"

"Please refrain from spreading your weird diseases to that poor child."

"Well, fuck you too. "

With that being said, Mally turned on her heel and walked across the corridor back to her apartment.

I ran my hand through my hair before attempting to shut my door. Sadly, a pair of fucking safety scissors blocked my door from closing. I should've known.

"Bassy! I have come, my love!"

"Mr. Sutcliff! Stop wiggling or I'll stab you in the foot!"

"Willy~ you're no fun..."

Did this seriously have to happen right after work?!

Sighing loudly, I pulled open my door wider to see my rather odd friend Grell Sutcliff being hauled up the stairs by an pissed off William T. Spears, Grell's boss.

"Mind helping your intoxicated friend, Michaelis?" called William.

Sighing, I kissed Esme on her delicate head before walking out the door, moving swiftly towards William. I never really like him.

I hooked one arm underneath Grell's armpit, and helped William carry him to my apartment. Grell giggled and attempted to grab my face, which I certainly ignored.

I finally sat the giggling Grell onto the sofa, and turned to William.

"Explain." I stated.

A look of annoyance crossed Williams face before he answered.

"Mr. Sutcliff thought it would be wise to bring alcohol to his cubicle at work. Obviously, I had to bring him home before he distributed that... Disgusting liquid among his coworkers."

I raised an eyebrow." Then why didn't you bring him home?"

William sighed and pushed up his glasses. "His door was locked, and I wasn't about to raid his pockets."

"And the safety scissors?" I asked, slowly picking up said item and closing the door.

William cast a glance towards Grell, who was currently trying to converse with Esme.

"... We stopped at Wal-Mart."

"For safety scissors?"

"He wanted a chainsaw. I said no and bought him the safety scissors."

I'm beginning to believe I'm surrounded by idiots.

"But... Why did you buy them? Don't you have kids? Why not give him their safety scissors?"

"Michaelis, I do not have children. That is Claude, not me. And he refused to shut up until I bought him red safety scissors."

Bewildered by his statement, I shook my head and turned away from him.

"I guess he'll stay here for the night. You may leave."

William nodded. "Call me if he needs anything."

He opened the door and walked out, spamming it shut on his way out.

Running a hand through my hair, I lifted a blanket off of the back of the sofa and spread it on top of the now sleeping Grell. Settling down next to Grell's head, I switched on the television to the news channel.

A commercial came on about orphanages.

It showed a multitude of adorable children of all ages. It talked about how more and more weren't finding homes, and how lonely they've been without a family.

And then a thought raced through my mind.

I could cure my loneliness.

I could stop being known as the crazy cat man.

I could actually do some good in this world.

Looking up at the screen, I saw the phone number for the nearest orphanage in the state.

And then I reached for the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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