Peridot - Away

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Our Peridot has finally completed eighth grade with top marks, and after a long three months of wait, summer is finally over. She's been chosen to go to the integrated highschool, which was her only wish - very few gems wanted to leave their kindergartens. It's time to begin ninth grade, but in a whole new world of gems she's never met before. Also, trains. I like them.

Peridot could hardly sit still on the train to the highschool. A train had picked up the Peridot, only one of which several hundred had boarded, and many other types of gems from their segregated kindergartens and delivered them to the school.

She was bubbling with excitement. She would spend the next four years of her life there.

Peridot, despite her excitement, couldn't help but feel a little queasy, and it wasn't because the Amethyst in the seat across from her was stuffing her face with food. She would miss the kindergarten, as well as the limb enhancers she hadn't been allowed to bring because they were considered a weapon. Now she was small and puny, just like the defective Amethyst across from her.

She shrugged off her homesickness and gazed out the window as they reached yet another kindergarten. She wondered why they couldn't take one of the faster methods of transportation, but she dismissed the thought as unimportant. She figured it only added to the excitement anyway.

Peridot heard the familiar screech of train brakes as they came to an ear-splitting halt. It was blue in color, though rather small. When she saw the gem who boarded, she realized why. It was the kindergarten for Sapphires, who were small and rare.

Small, shorter than Peridot without her limb enhancers, the Sapphire took a seat beside the Ruby in front of Peridot, offering a smile at the utter look of confusion on the Ruby's face.

Peridot glanced at the kindergarten again and sighed. There were probably only a few more stops before they arrived.

Even though the train was one of the less advanced means of transportation for gems, it still traveled rather quickly, and the gems would be at the school by the end of the day at the latest.

Peridot cast a glance at the Amethyst, who had abandoned eating and was now sprawled out in the seat, sleeping and snoring loudly. Sighing, Peridot pressed her forehead to the window and watched the horizon as the train zipped across the tracks.


"Finally," muttered Peridot as she stepped off of the train with her luggage. All she carried was only one duffle bag full of the supplies she'd need for ninth grade.

She dusted the legs of her suit off and followed the crowd of gems under a large awning. Straight ahead stood two pairs of doors, separated symmetrically, that led to the main lobby of the building. Potted plants lined either side of  the awning. Rainbows of gems crowded around a rather large gem, probably a teacher. The loud chatter stopped slowly as the teacher cleared her throat. Silence.

"Welcome to highschool, gems. Now, whether you enjoy your stay here or not is up to you, so I will get right down to the point. You'll be assigned a roommate, no arguments. You will not get to choose who you stay with on your first year. Outside of each room is a paper with the school rules and the gems sharing that specific room. There is also a paper for any questions that might be asked. Your schedules will be handed out tomorrow. Hurry and find your rooms, now," the teacher said dismissively.

Peridot shuffled towards the doors, trying her hardest not to get run over by the many larger gems. She felt like the smallest gem on the planet at the moment, and she suddenly felt sorry for the Sapphire and Ruby she'd seen on the train. She shuddered as she imagined the hell they were probably going through right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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