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Nepeta Leijon stood in the hallway, observing a poster being displayed on the bulletin board. She was holding her books close to her chest when she felt someone creep up behind her. Nepeta waited, adjusting her messenger bag. At this point, she was only pretending to look at the poster when she felt the same person blow into her ear.

"Hey, dork," a familiar voice said, "What are you looking at?" Her quickly leapt from her chest when she realised it was Karkat Vantas, her long-standing crush.

"A poster," the girl replied, dumbly, still staring at the poster until she elaborated. "For a play tonight."

"What's it about?" he inquired, still looking over her shoulder. Nepeta didn't want to turn her head.

"Macbeth, the one by William Shakespeare?"

"Shakespeare, don't you mean Shakespurr?" Karkat sniggered, pointing out her typical use of cat puns.

Nepeta managed to choke out a fake laugh, but not wanting to leave him hanging she confirmed it, "Yeah, that one,"

"Are you going to buy tickets?" he inquired, shifting his weight, looming over her shoulder. He smelled really nice.

"Maybe, I was actually thinking of going," Was he going to buy her tickets? Maybe they could see it together! She waited anxiously for his response with feigned breath.

"Bad news. It's sold out," the boy said flatly.

Her heart sank a little. "Oh," then she straightened up, a tiny crease forming between her eyes, "How do you know?" What if he already bought tickets for them? What if he was going to buy tickets for the two of them but was then unable to?

"I have a big role. I can get you in, if you'll like." His half-lidded eyes glanced confidently at her0 , "Meet me by the catwalk in the back entrance, fifteen minutes until starting time. There should be a door at the back of the theatre," Karkat gave her a once-over, "Just dress cute for me, okay?" He stepped back. Nepeta inclined her head, pondering. As he walked away, she turned and called after him.

"Wait! What do ya mean by 'cute'? Like a skirt?"

Karkat smirked, stopping for a moment to look over his shoulder, "You're smarter than you look. You'll figure it out." he adjusted the shoulder strap of his bag and continued walking.

It was eighteen minutes until curtain time, and Nepeta was standing exactly where Karkat instructed her to. Of course, right after he told her, she spent the rest of the day thinking about what she was going to wear, and once she got home she dissected her closet for a sufficient outfit. She settled with a black skirt, thigh highs, flats, and a baggy white sweater featuring a cat (hand picked by her one and only sister, who insisted that was "simply most purrfect outfit fur this occasion!!" What was it with people giving her shit about her nyan-cat phase?). Nepeta picked at her skirt and rocked herself back and forth, starting to get a little nervous. Right when she was about to check for another entrance, he opened the door. An excited look was quickly covered up by an eye-roll.

"Have you been waiting here for half an hour, dork?" was his response. He stepped aside to let her in.

"No, I only got here, like, two minutes ago," Nepeta bends the truth, stepping inside. As she walks past him he looks her over and tickles her side. So this was him being playful...

"Come over here," he motions for her to follow, not even commenting on her outfit. Was it not 'cute' enough or something? I read somewhere how thigh-highs were supposed to be sexy. She follows him nonetheless. They walk backstage as Nepeta looks around, taking in the scenery. She never took theatre class. Several people were reciting their lines, talking to others, or playing around with the weapon props. How relieving it must be to take another face. All of them ignored the two. Nepeta reached to hold his sleeve as he led her to a secluded balcony seating, equipped with an irresistibly comfortable-looking old couch.

"Here's where you'll be viewing the play. I'll be back in a while," As he turned to leave, Nepeta let out a small "whee!" and plopped on the couch, not noticing her skirt fly up a bit. He noticed, although grateful of the dark, he descended back down the stairs.

The play began, and the girl sat forward on her seat, watching intently. She had never actually read the book which was required for English class, so going to this play had several advantages. One, she got to hang with the man of her dreams, and two, it would raise her English grade. Who needed anything else?

This scene was boring to her. Where was Karkat? Didn't he say he had a big role? Resting her chin on her hand, she recalled his boasting personality-his bets with Vriska always ended badly. e Shaking the thought from her head, she looked around again. The pillows on the couch were different patterns than the couch itself. She adjusted them a few times...did he put them here for her? What a thoughtful guy.

Nepeta frankly lost track of time watching various people move about the stage, until she finallyh caught sight of Karkat, who then was immediately "murdered" with a stab of another's faux sword. Several others died around him, then the curtains closed to signal an intermission. Nepeta considered leaving the couch, perhaps finding Karkat, until she heard his feet move quickly up the stairs. She quickly turned only to see a the only boy really worth mentioning with disheveled hair.

"How was I?" He panted, a smirk on his face.

Nep clapped, signaling an encore. "Unbelievable! Your faint was executed with mastery of a true thespian."

As she complimented him, Karkat sauntered toward the couch, mock bowing. He spun on his heel and collapsed on the couch, his head landing on her lap. She squealed a bit. "The knight is weary and needs rest. A long day defending his princess is rewarding, but physically tolling." He propped his leg up on the other side of the couch.

"You have what some will call a lionheart!" She finally saw his outfit up close. Sometime between the end of his scene and his entrance, he found the time to take off his armor. He remained in the emblem encrusted, long sleeved top, with matching pants and knee length boots. More importantly, his head was on her lap. Her eyes scanned his smooth skin, flawless eyebrows. His freckles were hard to see unless you were...this...close to him.

"The knight needs a kiss," Karkat's voice snapped her back to reality. There was silence, and she stared down at him for a few seconds, unable to act. He peeked, then closed his eyes again. "A knight who has put his life on the line to protect his princess surely deserves some sort of reimbursement."

Nepeta leaned down, her lips hovering mere millimeters away from his lips. She saw his blush form, even in the partial light.
//to be continued
She pulled back from the kiss. I have to take theatre class next semester.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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