An end

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The complete novella is dedicated to my favourite author catrina Burgess. She has been the inspiration and a guide. The way she motivated me, responded to me was generous and amazing and one day the whole world would know her to be what she is, a beautiful human being empowered to touch lives. The
Story is inspired by her books only. The wonderful series which held my soul and heart and ushered me into this beautiful world of whattpad. My story here comes to an end.


I have peacefully slept after a long long time and the sleep is such sweet. I wake up all fresh and... And happy. There is no darkness outside or even in my soul. Only calmness. For  miles and miles around that I can see, there are fields , fields with peacful hues of green and yellow spread around  trees laden with flowers and a delicate happy fragrance wafting through the air. I saw a little flutter of blue and golden green butterflies buzzing happily nearby. I instinctively extend my hand and one flits dreamily across to land softly on it fluttering her beautiful feathers ,  then,looking at my hands, I noticed how I have changed. My hand looks larger than they had been. I realize that i have grown.... Somewhat... Somewhat.. Large in size, height and age. The little friend on my hand again fluttered her wings slightly and greeted me with an array of colours . Blue and green.. The colours of freedom. I  feel, am floating in a sea of happiness. The breeze played a soothing melody as she touched the swaying tips of the plants softly. I had an urge to look around. Sea of tranquility. The sun is shining warm and life giving..  the sky is powder blue.. And I am happy and at peace.... Still...
Where am I???
I thought to myself.  
But i am at peace. This is a sea of tranquility. Eternal.
You are very near to the ethreal sea.
A sweet voice answers me in my mind. I sit up and looked around......
She was perched on a huge flower laden tree behind me. My beautiful friend Ann. Her hazel pool of eyes and her mesmerizing face glowing in the sun radiating warm solace.she wore a floral halo in her long flowing hair. My angel, my friend. Ann...i whisper her name and the cool breeze sings with me.
Effortlessly, she almost floats down from the tree. I gaped at her. Has she ever been this beautiful?
She looks up and smiles. A warmth radiated in my heart like  the silent music of nature that lets the flowers bloom.. , she came to me.  smiling. A thousand unspoken words.
" you " she says extending her hand towards me. " you have come out of your sorrow and have become your age ".  I hold the hand that I never wish to go. I look into the eyes that kept me going and made me never to give up when all was gone. I love her. Unconditinally. But there are questions that i need to ask.
" who are you? "
" Umm...errrr.." she cast her eyes down..
Just a girl " she avoids looking at me.
' Ann.. "I plead with my eyes.
She sighs and leaves my hand. Everything around us goes silence as if in compliance with her mood.
She walks away to a distance and then turn arounds looking at me. Her hazel eyes start glowing with an unearthly shine and everything around goes oblivious. She starts growing up.. Turning into a giant... Within a moment, she is looming large over me. Her long hair flowing like a haloed net around her  face radiating beauty and fear , her fingers turned into talons and. She looked like.. A beautiful monster..........
" Behold me. I am a yakshini . I am no human. I am an element. unknown. I am a servitor to the god of destruction and new creation. I belong to the God of gods.. Lord shiva. I am born of pure forces of life. I change as per my wish. I am the giver of whatever desired but once drawn into service, I require nourishment.if I am appeased,i would serve human master in whichever form he desires me, a loving mother, a caring sister, an obedient wife or an amorous lover. Me and my kind hold the keys to all the treasures of the underworld. But when irked and angered, I can happily drink their blood and tear their skins and relish their bones. Killing holds no qualms for me. The blue godess that you saw in the ancient temple is our mother,mahakali, who procreated us. She is the destroyer of evil and we all are the retinue of the great one who can destroy every form of life by opening his third eye ". lord of destruction.
She stood all magnificient with her eyes closed in reverence for the lord she talked about... And i listened. Emchanted and overwhlmed, afraid.. and in love with something beyond my understanding......
I stood gaping.
The silence seemed to hang for eternity. This... This revelation has given birth to thousand more questions. But... But how to ask???
" Atleast i have answered one "
She could still read my thoughts.
“ you wanted to leave your body at one time to be with me " i quipped,  secretly wishing i had not let her go back that day. She was ready to begin a journey to some ethreal sea that she keeps talking about..
" we,yakshinis, have a choice to roam free of this vicious cycle of birth and death, or we can choose to be born... I was so alone for years that i chose the latter. I was found in a forest by a cranky little woman who is too kind and beautiful ". She was talking about her granny that she is very attached to. A little soothing breeze kissed her hair gently. And all i wanted was to tuck them behind her ear.... I dismissed the thought as quickly as it came.
She continued. 
" in the process of being born, i somehow, lost my memory of who i am... Thought of being a human girl. But slowly as i grew at a human pace, i started getting powers back. But.. But i kept on denying them thinking that these are my crazy dreams.... With my wild urges to roam and run with nature, to hunt the hunters...without realizing that i am meant for that only.. , some strange stories reached the human village about my.. My nocturnal ways and powers and those humans rose in fear against us. me and my granny were living peacefully ... And the poor ignorant beings.. Tried to burn us alive..." she paused with pain and longing in her voice. I wished to hug her, to relive her of that pain..

She came and sat by my side.         
"Granny managed to send me to this little town to be oblivious and safe.... And it was here that the cruelity and ruthlessness of that woman that i was suppose to call my aunt,  i almost died hungry and abused were it not for you to come and... And be with me...."  she looked at my hands and gently placed hers along.. The warmth radiating from them reaching me dazed coldness.

" i would have died there and

in thar delirium, finished and gone from existence when, maa kali, our godess mother  pulled my concious to her and revealed me my true identity. Remember when i had the fever and almost left my body to be with you??".  I nodded a  silent yes. I  had half wished that time to own her and to be with her..... She softly carried on.
" Thus my identity was revealed to me. written on the walls of the godess temple, her abode. My previous lives , my powers and my true identity that i have so forgotten because of adorning a human form.... Mother godess blessed me with my memories and i came to my complete existence....    I am a yakshini..."""
And then she looked sadly at me.
" ken, now i have the power and choice to let you reach the ethreal sea and get away from the vicious cycle of birth and death.... I am all powerful yet so weak to let you go... The bright drops in her eyes and the sadness in her voice just pierced my heart...

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