Chapter 17

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The remaining week flew by, and as promised, Alfred left Arthur's house. Alfred had begun making arrangements for a permanent place to stay in Britain, but it wasn't quite finalized yet. The place wasn't all that near to Arthur's, which Arthur thought he would be relieved at, but somehow he wasn't. Alfred had brought some color and warmth back into Arthur's previously dull life. It hadn't made things easier, having him around, but it made things more fun and lively.

Arthur reassured himself that this was the reasoning behind why he felt a little sad and lonely at Alfred's departure, after all, what other reasons could there be?

Even after Alfred's return, the two rarely ever spent time together. The only times they saw each other were at work, and even then it wasn't often. They were both always busy, Arthur trying to deal with the ever growing amount of work he received, and Alfred attempting to manage the entire company. The time they spent together was mostly forgotten as they returned to their own normal lives.


Autumn had ended, along with winter and spring. Alfred waited for the weather to warm up and the air conditioning to click on, but to his surprise, it never happened. Upon asking his coworkers through a casual remark, he found out that it didn't really ever get warm here. They would have sunny, warm days upon occasion, but the weather generally stayed the same.

Collapsing into his bed, Alfred shoved his head into his pillow. So many emotions were running through him, each trying to take up as much space in his mind as they could.

He was overwhelmed, trying to fit into everybody's idea of him. How had Ludwig managed it? He would love to go ask, but he didn't want to bother Ludwig and Feliciano. He decided instead to go do something fun to let off a little stress.

Alfred called upon Arthur. It had been too long since Alfred had last irritated him, and he was looking forward to being able to do it again.

"Hey Arthur, I'm going to the bar. You're coming with me." He tried to seem more commanding, like a boss giving orders, even if it was through a phone.

"Excuse me? You can't just rewrite other peoples schedules for your own benefit, wanker!"

"But I just did. I'll pick you up at eight." Alfred hung up, preventing Arthur from arguing any further.

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