Chapter 2: The 4 horsemen

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The day after my dad left me thinking of what he was talking about I started of a regular day on my way to school there was a weird message that was said in the radio that said "Raen si dne eht" it left me boggled for a while until I figured out the words were backwards then I started having visions of people in horses. After having speak to my father about this wars started happening around the world, epidemics spread through cities , people were thirsty and hungry many people died and 4 of my friends died one was a thin guy the other one was obsessed with battles and wars the other one was a emo who wanted to kill everybody and one was a science graduate that studied mostly bugs it was odd that all of my friends were connected to the people I saw in horses. I got home and my father was very worried of the happenings around the world. And after a while my father asked me have I opened a box or chest of somesort that things started occuring that seem impossible I shook my head because I have never done something like that. A week later I told my dad about these visions of these people I saw I described these horsemen to him as one had a skull for a head, one had blood all over his body, one had gnats and other insects surrounding him and the other was a thirsty and hungry man. My dad told me that all these things are in the bible he said "How many did you say there were?" I lifted my hand and made a number 4 he said "Are you sure?" I nodded yes then my dad said "There is a fifth one the four you saw are the horsemen of death,pestilence,war and famine, the fifth is conquest the bringer of the end." I asked my dad why are all these things happening to me he just nodded and told me "There is a better time than now"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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