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The pair sat down across from each other and smiled. Hermione picked up her muffin and took a bite while Draco drank his coffee.

"You know, you'll get addicted to that one day," Hermione told him.

"And you'll get addicted to the chocolate in those muffins," Draco replied evenly, smiling at her.

"Alright, I admit defeat," Hermione laughed softly, throwing her muffin wrapper away.

Draco picked up his coffee and slipped his free hand into hers. Hermione smiled at him as they walked out the door and headed towards the Ministry.

Hermione kissed Draco's cheek as they came to her office.

"Love you, see you later," she told him, smiling. He nodded. "Love you too," he said.

Hermione headed into her office and started getting to work on her most recent stack of paperwork.

Draco went to his office and sighed as he started working on a mission summary from one of his recent Auror missions. He sat there, twirling his quill more than he wrote, thanking Merlin it was Friday.

Hermione barely stopped working to eat lunch, instead eating her apple while she wrote. Draco poked his head into her office and saw her. He sighed a little, smiling fondly. He walked over and plucked the quill out of her hand. "You work too hard. Stop and eat."

Hermione sighed, though she was grateful for the forced distraction. She smiled at him and conjured a chair for him.

"Stay awhile, keep me from going back to my work," she grinned.

He sat down and leaned over her desk, kissing her gently for a moment. "Alright... only in the best interest of making sure you actually eat," he teased.

She giggled. "I love you," she said softly. "I love you too," he replied, smiling at her.

They spent the rest of lunch sitting together and talking as they ate. When lunch ended, Draco stood and quickly kissed Hermione before heading back to his office.


The rest of the day passed quickly and then they met up to walk home together. They stopped to pick up dinner on the way - Hermione protested that they'd eaten too much takeout recently, but stopped when Draco asked her if she wanted to cook.

They arrived back at their small house and sat down to eat. After the dishes were done, they curled up together on the couch to watch a movie as they'd done every Friday for the past year.

Once the movie ended, they headed into their room and quickly changed into their pyjamas. Draco laughed softly when he saw Hermione's ragged pyjamas. "We're going shopping tomorrow," he told her. She laughed a little but didn't bother to object.

They climbed into bed and cuddled up together, talking in low voices until they fell asleep.

Slice Of Life : A Dramione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now