Meeting Each Other... And I Think I Love You .

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-Diore's POV-

Me and my girls are at the mall in the food court .

Seiko:(Laughing)Remember the time when we were in 3rd grade and every time the principal would speak I would yell something random, and everyone would laugh .

Me: That's cause you have issues .

Seiko: But i'm funny.

Naomi: Omg, remember our best friends.?

Seiko: Yeah, I miss them .

Me: But they left us, years ago .

Naomi: And.?

Me: You're not mad they left without telling us, or even giving us a call.?

Naomi: Yeah you're right .

Me: It makes me mad just to think about them .(Squeezes a french fry)

Seiko:(Grabs my arm)Woah, calm down Diore .

Me:(Drops French fry) Sorry, it's just; like they could have at least kept in touch .

Seiko: I know i'm just as mad as you are but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity .

Me: Yeah I guess .

Seiko:(Grins Devilishly) And besides how could you stay mad at Craig.? You were head over heels for him .

Me: Seiko... I am going to kill you .(Stands up)

Seiko:(Gets up and starts running around)

Me: Seiko Laylani Martinez get over here.!

Seiko: Nope .

Me: Fine, I'll get you when you least expect it .

Seiko: Sure you will .

Me:(Sits down) I will .

Seiko:(Sits down)When is Hazel getting here.?

Me:(Looks at text)She's here now .

Naomi: Where is she.?

Me: She says she's in the food court now .

Seiko:(Standing up)I see her .(Waves over)Hazel.! Were over here.!

Hazel walked over to us and sat down.

Hazel: What's up girls.?

Naomi: Nothing, just talking about our best friends-(GCO)

Me: Old best friends . That left with out even calling us .

Seiko: But she is in looove with craig .(Laughs)

Me: Laugh it up, cause when I get you you're gonna be mad .

Seiko: What ever, anyway; what do you think Hazel .

Hazel: What.?

Seiko: Are you mad at them.?

Hazel: Kind of .

Me: Why isn't everyone as mad as me.?

Naomi: Cause you're stubborn to let it go .(Lol missing you lyrics)

Seiko: Stop singing those boys lyrics .

Hazel: Have yall ever noticed that those boys look just like them.?

Seiko: Like who.?

Hazel:(Looks at Seiko like she's stupid)Our best friends duh.!

Me: OLD best friends.!

Love Like Woe.!(MB Love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora