Chapter 8- Protector

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"Look, if you want me to do any kind of favors, you're going to have to wait until they get out of class. Whatever I do, they become a part of. Got it." I warned.

"Okay. Understandable." She raised her hands in surrender. "It's pretty big. You probably should have them a part of this."

"I don't want to hear it until the bells ring." I said. Just then, the end of the day bells rang for students to go off to their rooms, or do their own thing. I sighed and stood up mumbling under my breath. "There goes my peace for the day."

"What was that?" Kol asked.

"Nothing." I quickly replied. "Come on, let's go talk to the others before dinner."

"Okay." She said and followed me down the hallway to our rooms. I walked in and we sat there waiting on the others to come in. One by one they each entered the room. Ending with Mausi and Rozene.

"Hey baby." I greeted kissing Mausi. We sat down next to each other. My arm was wrapped around her shoulders, and she was holding my hand. "Okay everyone! Kol has a favor to ask of us."

"I need you all to protect someone for me. Azrael has been after him for a while, and me and my sister Nuriel have recently gone in and rescued him from a small town. He's a student here, and I mentioned that Mausi has been staying with you so her room is free to him. We desperately need you to protect him from them." Bath Kol explained. "He's um- He's half Genie."

"Half Genie?" I asked feeling a little down about the realization that I'm not the only one that Azrael and Azriel are harassing for power. I sighed. "Where is he then?"

"So you're in?" She asked.

"Might as well." I replied. Then Bath Kol disappeared for a moment and showed back up with a 18 year old boy. My senses told me that he was much, much older than 18 though.

"Baby, are you okay?" Mausi asked, but I shushed her.

When I got a good look at him, I froze exactly where I sat. His familiar dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was tall and handsome and all too familiar to my eyes. My jaw dropped at the unbelievable sight in front of me. My instinct forced me to stand up and get a closer look. Old memories of him as just a little boy rushed towards me.

"Mom?" He returned the shocked look. Recognizing me almost as immediately as I recognized him. Tears streamed down his face as he opened his arms to let me in. I threw mine around his tall shoulders, and he wrapped his around me. The hug telling me that he did remember me, and he did miss me. I couldn't bring myself to pull away. The situation looking awkward and strange to everyone. Even Bath Kol.

I was the only one able to hear him. Confusion thickly clouded the room. That's okay, because I'm trying to enjoy this moment that I never thought would ever happen for me. My son, standing before me.

"How did I not see this coming?" Mausi chuckled to herself.

"How did I not know? I always know." Bath Kol said with confusion. "I'm a prophet. I can see the future. I could've literally seen this coming."

"Kol, calm down and watch this." Mausi shushed her.

"Um- Dyani- you have confused friends in the room." Martin said with confusion lining his voice. I sighed and pulled away. Reluctance clear in my bones. Tears still making their way down my face.

"Oh. Right. This is Steve, Randy, Martin, Rozene, and Mausi." I gestured to the appropriate people as I introduced them to each of them. I looked between them and him. "Guys, this is apparently, shockingly, Avery."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Rozene said getting up and hugging him.

"Careful, she's a hugger." I warned a little too late. Mausi smiled recognizing the name. I smiled and sniffled as she chuckled at the thought that fate had brought him too me before anyone had talked to Bath Kol about the situation. I turned to Bath Kol and hugged her gratefully. "Thank you so much, Kol."

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